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Q: What happens if a relative will not abide by the terms of a will?
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What happens when you violate your federal probation?

No way to know. It depends entirely on the judge's decision. Since you can't seem to abide by the terms of your probation sentence, you could be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your original sentence.

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The future tense of "abide" is "will abide." For example, "I will abide by the rules."

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relative humidity is the amount of moisture that air can hold in a certain temperature

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distance measured not in linear terms such as miles or kilometers but in terms such as cost and time

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The relative addresses will change as the formula is copied.

Does Nolle Diversion mean dismissed?

Only if you successfully complete the terms and requirements of whatever "diversion" program you were sent to participate in. If you do not abide by the terms of the diversion, it will go down as a conviction on your record.

Which preposition comes after abide?

The preposition that typically follows "abide" is "by." For example, "I will abide by the rules."

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If you mean in terms of relative minors, D minor is the relative minor of F major.

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When relative humidity is increasing the chance of precipitation is increasing

Is Facebook censoring content?

They have every right to censor content that is in violation of their terms of service. Each FB used who signed up had to agree to abide by those terms before they were allowed to post.