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Q: What happens if ammonium chloride is heated in a test-tube with a long neck?
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When heated what happens to ammonium chloride mixed with water in the tube?

nothing happens. it becomes an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride

What happens to ammonium chloride when heated?

when ammonium chloride is heated its particles get converted into gaseous state i.e vapours of ammonium chloride due to sublimation.

What happens when ammonium chloride solution is heated with caustic soda solution?

ammonia should release on heating.

If ammonium chloride and sand under goes sublimationwhich solid sublimes?

If ammonium chloride and sand are heated or undergo sublimation, ammonium chloride being a sublimable substance sublimes and sand is left behind as the residue.

What happens when sodium hydroxide is added to ammonium chloride and heated?

Ammonia gas will be evolved. The chemical reaction is :NH4Cl + NaOH --> NH3 (g) + NaCl + H2O

Why ammonium chloride not exists in liquid state?

Because it changes directly from solid to gas when heated. It sublimes.

What is the gas evolved when ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate is heated together?

Ammonia and Nitrogen Dioxide. I think.

What is the process which takes place when ammonium chloride is heated slowly?

Thermal dissociation, with the formation of ammonia and hydrochloric acid.

What was given off when ammonium chloride was heated?

since ammonium chloride is a subline solid, it gets converted into gaseous state directly without changing into liquid state


The concentration of sodium chloride increase.

How amonia gas is prepared?

Laboratory preparation of ammonia or NH3 requires using ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide. The reaction equation is 2NH4Cl plus CaOH2 gives the products 2NH3 plus CaCl2 plus 2H2O. The ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide are heated for this reaction.

What can be heated to obtain nitrogen?

Either ammonium nitrite or ammonium dichromate can he heated to obtain nitrogen gas.