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Relating to aircraft, pilot must use more often the flaps(Aelirons, elevators, rudder) as there will be no increase or decrease in angle of flight. if u consider CP is ahead of CG, angle of attack decreases(stable) and vice versa..

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Q: What happens if center of pressure is equal to center of gravity?
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When center of mass and center of gravity are equal?

For a uniform symmetric body in all directions the center of mass and center of gravity are the same point. Comment: I would say this happens when the force of gravity is the same at all points on a body. That means there are no variations in the gravitational field.

Where will you find the center of gravity?

For two point masses of equal mass, the center of gravity is the center of mass and is located midway between the two point masses.

What is central of gravity?

I think you mean the center of gravity - and that's the center of mass: that point where there is equal mass on all sides- i.e. the balance point.

Is the center of gravity of a meterstick always located at the 50-cm mark?

No, there should be an equal mass distribution to have its center of gravity at 50 cm mark

Does uranus have enough gravity to live on?

Gravity, yes. The gravity at the nominal "surface" of Uranus (where pressure is equal to 1 bar) is about 91% of what it is on Earth. Other conditions, though, make Uranus uninhabitable.

How does weight change as you move away from or towards the center of gravity?

Weight is technically the force that gravity exerts on you. Mass is how much matter you "are". Mass times the acceleration of gravity will equal your weight. Newton discovered that the force of gravity [your weight] is equal to a constant times the mass of the planet times the mass of you all divided by the radius to the center squared. This equation shows that the weight is inversely proportional to the radius to the center squared. Thus, as the radius to the center increases, the weight will decrease. So if you move away, your weight will decrease.

Is gravity's origin from a center?

Yes, gravity actually originates from the center. It is the force by which each particle attracts another body. This attractive force is taken to be equal to the product of the two masses divided by the square of the distance between them. The distance is measured from the center of the two particles. Each particle has a gravity of its own. Each particle on Earth hence has a gravity and the som of all the particles gives the gravity of the Earth.

What happens when a ball is dropped through an imaginary hole through the earth?

If the hole passed through the DIRECT center of the earth, it will stop when it reaches the DIRECT center of the earth, it will do this because the are equal amounts of gravity forcing being applied on each one of the infinite sides of the circle.

Why does a body lose weight at the centre of the earth?

In the center of the Earth gravity is equal at every side causing you to be "weightless".

What is the force of gravity at the center of earth compared to its surface gravity would be equal to?

If the Earth would be a perfect sphere, you would experience no gravity in the center because all the mass around you would pull at you with the same strength in all directions, netting you a zero total force.

What happens at a liquid's boiling point?

Boiling. A liquid boils at a temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure of the gas above it.

Why doesn't air pressure pull you down?

Over the height of a human, say, the pressure will be equal in all directions. Even so, even if there were a net downward pressure of the air, this will be a lot less than the gravity attraction on your mass. And, most seem able to withstand gravity.