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you should complain immediately. my friend's dentist did that and she had to get braces.

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Q: What happens if dentist leaves wedge in between teeth?
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You had better consult your dentist on that one.

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Wash your teeth every day

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The orthodontist is a dentist, but not all dentists are orthodontists. Dentist diagnoses and treats problems in the cavity of the mouth. Orthodontists treat misalignments in the mouth, called malocclusions, such as extra teeth, crowded teeth, congenitally missing teeth, and spacing problems. Souce:

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they are teeth spacers for an apliance

Cavities in between teeth?

you should contact your dentist and set up an appointment. They might have to pull out some of your teeth...=o you should contact your dentist and set up an appointment. They might have to pull out some of your teeth...=o you should contact your dentist and set up an appointment. They might have to pull out some of your teeth...=o you should contact your dentist and set up an appointment. They might have to pull out some of your teeth...=o

What can you do if the dentist breaks your teeth?

you punch the dentist straight in his teeth and break his(: yeah you do. aaha.

What can happens if you dont go to the dentist?

If you don't brush your teeth, the foods and sugars from drinks sit on your teeth. The bacteria already in your mouth begin to multiply, and make your guns red and painful. Bacteria like dark places, so between your teeth the bacteria colonize even more. Cavities begin.

What happens if you decide not to get the teeth pulled that the dentist suggested you get pulled?

Worst case an abcessed tooth... which is horrifyingly painful.

What happens to people with gold teeth or crowns?

In the book "Night" the people with gold teeth and golden crown, they were sent to a dentist and those gold items were removed

What does the dentist do to you when you have cavities?

the dentist puts caps on your teeth

What do you call a person who fix for peoples teeth?

You Don't Know? It's called a, Dentist