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Q: What happens if i don't leave the hair color on long enough?
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What happens if you dont get enough vitaminC?

you get rabies

What happens if you dont get enough fats?

you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy

What happens when you dont get enough nucleic acid?

because if we dont i will die lol :)

What happens if you dont have enough phosphorus in your body?

you die.

What color is your house?

the color of my house is gray and when snow is on it it is white and when leaves fall on it it is the color of the leave that fell on it I dont know why dont you get off your computer and look!!??!!??!??!?!

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin d?

you get a range of symptons

What happens of you dont have enough minerals?

your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

What happens when plants and animals do not get enough air?

they begin to die, for example if you dont get enough air what will happen to you?

How do you get water out of a sandbox?

well... i dont exactly know, but if you leave it in the sun long enough, the water might dry up, or cover it up when ur not using it so that if it rains nothing happens :)

What if you dont get enough vitmin A?

your body will lose all color and you will be very weak.

What happens if you dont get enough Vitamin A?

if you dont get enough vitamin A your eyes will start to hurt and poor night vision.

What happens when you dont answer the door to a delivery man?

the delivery man will leave a note on your door.