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Pollution and angry people.

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Q: What happens if plastic is thrown into the environment?
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What happens to plastic when it gets thrown away?

it pollutes the atmosphere

What happens if you don't recycle plastic?

If you don't recycle plastic then it is thrown into a landfill. Once in the landfill it will be buried with other trash which pollute groundwater.

Why is plastic bad for the environment .?

Because it is not is toxic when burnt and takes hundreds and billions of years to decompose.

What happens when a plastic bag is thrown away?

It piles up in landfills. Plastic takes a very long time to decompose. Wildlife can also get caught in some plastic shapes and get hurt or die. This is why it's important to recycle, it helps keep landfills from filling up and we can reuse our old plastic instead of having to make new plastic.

In India how much waste plastic is thrown?


Does plastic end up in a landfil?

If it is thrown in a garbage can, it does.

What are positives and negatives of plastics?

For the past 60 years, plastic has been a wonderful invention. it bends. it bounces. it protecs from the cold. With a little creativity, plastic is even pretty to look at. But people use and thow away a lot of plastic. Plastic has another property. It lasts and lasts and lasts, whether in a landfill or when carelessly thrown in the environment. But the good news is the plastic can be recycled.

Where does plastic pollution come from?

old plastic often sorted from rubbish that has been thrown away.

How many plastic bottles thrown everyday in the Philippines?

It is impossible to say how many plastic bottles are thrown away daily in the Philippines. There are; however, recycling programs in the country. Depending on how successful the programs are, more and more plastic bottles should be recycled rather than simply thrown away.

Are plastic goods good for the environment?

no. its demolishing the environment

How are hybrid cars made?

It is made out of plastic so you can produce it and help the environment. Plastic is bad for the environment.

If 2.5 milloin plastic bottles are thrown away per hour how many are thrown away in a year?

Your mum :p