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If the moon were to leave orbit we would notice that the tides are less extreme. Also anything that relies on the light reflected off the moon would be negatively affected. However the moon may not ever leave orbit, but it is a possibility.

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Technically, the moon orbits the Earth.

If it no longer did, the moon would fly off and probably orbit some other planet.

This would affect the tidal patterns on Earth, and in fact without the moon, we would not have tides. This would be devastating to many earth ecosystems because tides are a way that oceans are oxygenated. Changing the ocean patterns would result in a loss of transported nutrients, and also climatic patterns. Wind and ocean currents go hand in hand with tidal movements. Any shift in these patterns would result in a dramatic climate change for any area effected by ocean currents.

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It happens when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun.

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The perigee is the part of the Moon's orbit when the Moon is closest to the Earth. This happens once a month.

What is it called when the moon moves around the earth?

This is called its orbit. Strictly, the moon and the earth both orbit their common centre of mass. The path of the moon around Earth is elliptical orbit. It takes about 29 days to complete one orbit of earth by moon.

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The moon orbits the earth. When you can not see it, it is on the other side of the earth. That happens once a day as the earth spins on its axis.

How does the moon slow Earth's rotation and how does the Earth change the moon's orbit?

The Earth-Moon gravitational interaction that produces the tides is gradually slowing the Earth's rotation. So, the Earth loses angular momentum. That causes the Moon to gain angular momentum. The acceleration of the Moon causes its orbit to slowly get larger. See "related links" below. In the link, look for the headings "Tidal Braking of the Earth" and "Lunar Recession".

Do any moons orbit earth?

Yes. One moon orbit Earth (The moon)

Does the moon take to orbit the Earth?

the moon takes 27.32 days to orbit the earth

When does the moon orbit earth?

The moon is in constant orbit around the earth, all the time.

What does the Moon's orbit cause on earth?

On Earth, the Moon's orbit shows up as tides.