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Q: What happens if the small bowel stops absorbing nutrients and the colon has been removed?
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What part of the alimentary canal absorbs nutrients?

The part of the digestive system that absorbs nutrients is the small intestines. They absorb essential nutrients from food into the blood stream.

What is a bowel resection?

A bowel resection is a surgical procedure in which a part of the large or small intestine is removed

What is the twisting of the bowel?

what happens when a length of bowel becomes twisted on itself

Why do you have pencil thin bowel movement?

The consistencies for the bowel movements depends on the speed of the peristalsis (the rate of speed that food is pushed through the bowel system). If a person has diarrhea, the food will move very quickly therefore causing less for the food and nutrients to be removed. So that will cause the stool to be very liquid.

What happens during a bowel resection?

During this procedure one or more segments of the small intestine are removed. This procedure may be performed if you have Cancer, Crohn's disease or Ulcers.

Frequent bowel movement?

Frequent bowel movement is a condition that happens when you have diarrhea,irritable bowel disease or lactose intolerance

When will I make bowel movement after widom teeth removed?

Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.

What are some critical intestine diseases?

Diseases of the intestine can be very serious. They may prevent a patient from properly absorbing nutrients and may cause symptoms such as pain, bleeding, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Some examples of critical intestinal diseases are Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.

What is Necropsy of the intestine?

Examining a dead piece of bowel that has been surgically removed.

How are toxins removed from the body?

There are three ways; Urinating, Sweating and Bowel movements.

Can you survive without a bowel?

Yes you can survive without most of your small bowel and all of your large bowel. Nutrients are absorbed in the small bowel but you can survive with just part of it intact. People have surgery resulting in ileostomy (where the remainder of the small bowel is bought onto the surface). Waste products are then discharged into a bag attached to the surface of the abdomen.

Why are you having thin bowel movements accompanied by diarehea?

There are various reasons why you might be having thin bowel movements accompanied by diarrhea. In most cases, it would be as a result of your dietary intake or the colon absorbing too much fluids among others.