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Q: What happens if the umbilical cord is over the cervix during pregnancy?
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How does the cervix change in early pregnancy?

Your cervix does not grow during pregnancy but the uterus does.

What is thenormal length of cervix during pregnancy?

i was told by my doctor that the normal length of cervix canal during pregnancy should be 30mm.

Sneeze a lot during pregnancy?

Increased sneezing during pregnancy is very common. Mucus increases during pregnancy, not just in your cervix!

Where does the baby gets its food during pregnancy?

From the placenta through the umbilical cord.

How does a developing fetus exchange material during pregnancy?

through the placenta and umbilical cord

What does it mean to be efaced during pregnancy?

I believe this is when the mucous plug in the cervix is lossened

Where should the cervix be in middle pregnancy?

The cervix extends into your vagina and fills with mucus during pregnancy, this is called the mucus plug which is a protective barrier. When you're pregnant the cervix position is firm, long and closed until the third trimester

What do babies live on during pregnancy?

Babies get food from their mother's blood. They are connected by the umbilical cord.

What is the muscle in the female reproductive system that dilates during pregnancy?

I believe that would be the cervix.

Is withdrawal necissary during pregnancy sex?

Sperms in for some reasons not harm your preganancy, it help ripen your cervix in late pregnancy.

What is the function of the umbilical cord during pregnancy?

it gives food or drinks to the baby while it is inside the womb.

Where is the houses of the fetus during pregnancy?

The fetus is in the uterus where it gets nourishment from the placenta via the umbilical cord.