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Q: What happens if too much water is pumped out of an aquifer?
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What are some harmful effects of aquifer depletion?

The aquifer cannot be recharged fast enough

What variable determines the amount of water an aquifer can hold?

An aquifer refers to a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. The factor that determines how much water an aquifer can hold is the composition of its surrounding bedrock.

Aquifer in a sentence?

(An aquifer is an underground strata containing water.) The increase in agriculture in the valley depleted much of the water in the aquifer. An aquifer can provide water for land that is not near a body of water.

Define the following saturation zone unsaturated zone aquifer recharge surface water discharge and remediation?

Its when a Aquifer recharges bc the surface has to much water realeasing the discharge of water.

How much fresh water is stored in the London aquifer as a percentage?

100% because of hill billies

What are the effects of center-pivot irrigation on withdrawl rates from the ogallala aquifer?

It withdraws to much water to quickly.

How much water can be pumped into a human until they die?

monthly one litter

What seeps into an aquifer when to much water is removed?

When too much groundwater is removed the ground subsides because the loss of water causes loose sediments underground to compact.

How much water can be pumped through a half inch pipe?

Given enough time the entire ocean could be pumped through a half-inch pipe.

What is the South American Guarani Aquifer System?

An extremely large underground aquifer (supply of groundwater). It is estimated to be able to provide drinking water for the earth for at least 200 years, and some estimates are much higher (1600 years). Because some people predict water shortages in the near future, the management of the aquifer, and others like it, is a concern.

What is an aquifer?

"An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock.Pretty much its a rock, such as limestone, which is fairly deep under the ground where people can get water.