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After a long time the brain will decide the eye is bad and quit using it. You will then be blind in that eye.

This effect is an example of "use it or lose it".

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Q: What happens if you always keep one eye closed?
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Why did the narrator kill the old man on the eighth night from the story The Tell-Tale Heart?

The old man's eyes were closed 7 days before. The narrator wanted the old man's eyes to be opened when he killed him. The old man's eyes were opened on the 8th day when he was doing a nightly ritual."And this I did for seven long nights-every night just at midnight-but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye."

What are some words that mean 'caring' and 'helpful' that begin with the letter K?

keep an eye on

What is the nickname for the overhead camera that monitors player and dealer behavior in a casino?

The eye in the sky ... so you better don't count cards @ blackjack or they will take you into the backroom and god knows what happens then! :O

How does red eye happen on a camera?

"If an eye had absorbed all light, then this wouldn't happen. In fact, if an eye had been theoretically flawless, the red eye effect would not have existed at all. What happens when you see the red eyes on pictures, is that the flash is reflected in someone's eye. The reflection is red because of all the blood vessels inside the eye." -

Oil based paint in eye?

If you are asking should you put oil based paint in your eye then the answer is probably no. It may damage the eye and consequently reduce your ability to see.The immediate treatment if this happens to anyone it to irrigate copiously and seek medical attention.

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What happens if you scratch your cornia?

If the cornea gets scratched you need to wear an eye patch and keep your eye closed so that it can heal and prevent infection. Often, doctors give eye drops to assist in those two areas.

Your guniea pig always has 1 eye open and the other eye closed what does this mean?

try to gently open the closed eye and check for infecion/swelling if not then it may be a mental problem

Where do dophins sleep?

Dolphins sleep closer to the surface of the water. They always sleep with one eye open and one eye closed and half of their brain working to spot any predators. They keep their blowhole above the water so they can breathe.

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Batty Wood is a Eye Closed!

Can pullips keep their eyes closed?

Some can...and some can't. It matters what model you have... Most of the 2006 can't....I'm not sure what year they start to stay closed though. If you have a doll that can't keep her eyes can put a toothpick next to the button while the eye is closed...and it will stay :)

Is your employer spying on me?

always keep a watchful eye over your shoulder

Your bearded dragon always has one eye open and one eye closed What is wrong?

Don't worry, its completely normal if he does this sometimes. if he is constantly doing it, consult advice from a professional. He should open his closed eye once you get his attention- if this is the case, don't worry. If he is unable to keep both eyes open at the same time then he could have some eye muscles week or possibly a disease in the brain. Any other animal inquiries? Contact me :D

Hermit crabs play?

yes, they do play you can have them do races but always keep an eye on them

Do you lose dead eye when you get the elegant suit in Red Dead Redemption?

Most certainly not. You will always keep dead eye.

How do you get your pullips eyes to stay closed?

Most of the newer models come with sleep-eye eyemechs where the levers are modified to keep them closed when you want, but for the older dolls, try breaking a toothpick in half and sticking it under the eye-lever after you push it in, it keeps it closed, but make sure it doesn't stay in, pull it out after your done.

What happens if you put mustard into your eye?

nothing much it would burn your eye and you'll need to rinse your eye with water and just keep blinking the eventually your eye will wash out the rest of mustard

What makes the lens in your eye change shape?

Increased water pressure can change the shape of your eye. If this happens, it is always an indicator to get your eyes checked professionally.