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The easy part is entering to Mexico; however you will have to explain you situation to US Homeland Service officers on you way back to the US.

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Q: What happens if you are a US citizen cross into Mexico and accidentally forget your passport yet you have your social security card birth certificate and drivers license and are over the age of 18?
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Can you use a passport instead of a social security card to get a drivers license?

In general the answer is no. Many people have a social security card for work purposes only. Check with your local social security office for details. You must be a US citizen to get a US passport. If you are not a US citizen, then you aren't eligible for a passport.

How do you get an Australian passport?

the only way to get an Australian passport is to be born in Australia or to be a naturalised australin citizen. you must have an original copy of your birth certificate or citizenship certificate.

How do you know that people are us citizen?

People are typically considered U.S. citizens if they were born in the United States or if they have gone through the naturalization process. This process involves meeting certain requirements, such as living in the U.S. for a specific period of time and passing a citizenship test. Documentation such as a birth certificate or a naturalization certificate is usually required to prove U.S. citizenship.

Can you travel internationally without a passport as a freeman?

No. A passport is required to travel internationally. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if you're an American citizen on a cruise that goes to Mexico, a passport is not required but a birth certificate and ID is. However, if you're an American citizen on a flight to Russia, then yes, a passport is required.

Are you a citizen if you have a passport?

Having a passport does not necessarily make you a citizen of a particular country. Citizenship is determined by the laws of the country you were born in, the citizenship status of your parents, or through the process of naturalization. A passport is simply a travel document issued by a government to its citizens for international travel.

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In order to get a Swedish passport you have to be a Swedish citizen. Once you are a citizen you can get the passport. That's what it means to have a passport - it shows that you are a citizen of the country in question.

Who is to be qualified a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago?

The requirements to qualify as a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, you must provide a birth certificate, passport marriage certificate and other supporting documents. Applications can be downloaded from the Consulate General website or are available direct at the consulate.

How does a US Senator obtain a passport and are they required to provide a certified long form birth certificate?

ANY U.S. citizen can apply for a passport using the form that the Passport Office supplies. There are no special provisions for members of Congress.

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hi I am an american citizen and married in do I change my last name on my passport to my new maried last name....

Can you obtain a passport from a city which is not your native?

Passports aren't issued by cities, they are issued by countries. In order to have a passport, you need to be a citizen of the country you are applying to. So if you are a British citizen, you get a UK passport, if you are a Canadian citizen, you get a Canadian passport. It doesn't matter where you were born, it's what country you are a citizen. If you don't have citizenship then you cannot have a passport. Ex: A Canadian citizen, who is NOT an American citizen cannot have a US passport.

How can a person acquire a security certificate in Canada?

The security certificate is a mechanism by which the Government of Canada can detain and deport foreign nationals. The federal government can issue it naming a permanent resident or other citizen suspected of crime or threat to national security.

What a citizenship certificate number?

A citizenship certificate number is the number that is provided to you on your citizen naturalization paper. This is a unique identification number that is equivalent to the social security number given to citizens born in the country.