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Q: What happens if you break a light bulb?
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What happens when a bulb is switched on?

when a light bulb is switched on it will blown..............

How do you you break a light bulb?

You throw it at the ground.

I have a ford contour and the tail light and brake light is the same bulb but the brake light WORKS but not the tail light what can be the problem. I CHANGE THE BULB TWICE?

When the tail light and break light are on the same bulb said bulb has 2 elements, one for the break and the other for the tail light, one element is burned out. Replace the bulb. If you've replaced the bulb, it might be the wiring. The holder for the bulb sometimes is at fault. They are $40.00 at the dealer, but at a pick a part or salvage yard they are $2.00.

What do you do if you break a light bulb?

If you break a light bulb in its socket, isolate the power (turn off the electric to that socket). Then use a needle nose pliers to get out rest of it with lamp off

What happens when a light bulb burns out?

When a light bulb burns out it no longer makes light. This is because there is no way to connect the flow of electricity.

What happens to electrical energy as a light bulb light?

its being transferred

When a light bulb is lit electrical energy is changed into light energy and what happens?

That means that the bulb looks bright.

What happens to the bulb when the circuit is completed?

Shouldn't it light?

What happens when you connect a single battery to a light bulb?

If the voltage is appropriate, the bulb will shine.

What happens to the energy wasted by the light bulb?

Energy is dissipated as heat and light

What is the main reason fore a light bulb to stop working?

the main reason for a light bulb to break is, the light bulb heats the tungstin wire. When the tungstin wire gets heated to much it breaks, causing thi light bulb to stop working.

What happens to light when you turn off the light bulb?

The energy to produce the light stops and the light stops.