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Q: What happens if you break up with Miranda in mass effect 3?
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Who voices Miranda Lawson in Mass Effect 2?

Yvonne Strahovski.

Will Miranda Lawson a romance option in Mass Effect 3?

If you pursued and completed a romance with her in Mass Effect 2 there will be some conclusion. Yvonne Strahovski has been cast for Mass Effect 3 but not as squadmate. Miranda's role will probably be larger than Ash's Mass effect cameo appearence. Project director Casey Hudson said in an interview that he hopes she's okay. Miranda and Shepherd will have a romantic conclusion based on everything the Mass Effect team at Bioware has realeased. But you will not be able to start a romance with her in Mass effect 3. If you want to romance her do it Mass Effect. There will be a love triangle situation between Shepherd, Miranda, and Ashley or Liara.

What happens to the period of a pendulum if you increase its mass?

The mass has no significant effect on the period.

Will Miranda lawson join the alliance in mass effect 3 if you destroyed the collecter base in mass effect 2?

No. You will be able to talk to her sometimes. Eventually she dies on horizion.

Is it possible to save Miranda in Mass Effect 3?

Yes It is possible but you have to have a paragon to be able to save her

What happens if you play mass effect 2 before mass effect 1?

You won't be able to import your save game from ME1.

What happens when an atom loses a gamma ray?

doesn't effect mass # or atomic #

What happens if you run out of fuel in mass effect 2?

It will start using your minerals. Not sure what happens if you run out of those.

What happens with imported game save mass effect 1 with renegade path through mass effect 2 and 3?

It just effects some interactions and choices in the game.

How does increasing mas affect gravity?

Gravity has no effect on mass, and mass has no effect on gravity. The characteristic behavior of gravity is that the force between two masses is directly proportional to the product of the masses, so if one or both masses were to increase, the mutual gravitational forces between them would increase in proportion to the increase in the product. That happens regardless of what the starting or ending mass happens to be, because mass has no effect on gravity.

Does Miranda have gravity?

Yes: anything with mass has gravity

Does kaiden die in mass effect 2?

If he died in Mass Effect 1 then he is not in Mass Effect 2. If he survived Mass Effect 1 he shows up in Mass Effect 2 but he can not be killed.