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They will load up with hair and dirt and won't be effective.

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Q: What happens if you do not clean your horse brushes and combs?
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Related questions

What is a sponge used for on a horse?

a sponge is used for washing a horse gently, but not grooming it, brushes or combs are used for that

With what brush can you clean your horse with?

There are a variety of brushes for different parts of the body.

What happens if horse grooming supplies are left outside?

well if they are medal brushes they rust and if there bristle brushes the bristle breaks it prob best you take your horse gear in side.

How can horse brushes be cleaned?

A good way to clean them is to soak them in water, if you want a quick cleaning of soft brushes, is to use a curry and run it through them.

What brushes can you clean your horse feather duster tooth brush curry comb hard brush?

Curry comb or hard brush.

How were combs made in colonial times?

with horse fur and wood

How did they make paint brushes in ancient greeces?

Maybe horse hairs

What is the proper equitation for a western saddle?

Well you need jeans because you will get blisters on you thy's and legs if you don't. Also a pad for your horses saddle for under it , boots, western saddle (equipped with girth and all the other things. A HORSE definitely. brushes and combs for before you ride it and that's really it

What is horse shampoo?

Its shampoo you clean your horse with.

What is a curry combs purpose?

a curry comb is made to get loose hair or dirt out of the horse's mane or tail

Why did ancient Romans use squirrel fur for brushes?

Makeup brushes are still commonly made from squirrel, mink, sable, horse (sometimes called "pony" or "camel"), or goat hair.

What happens to a horse that is not blanketed when it is cold?

Nothing happens to the horse. Who cares about covering your horse. All your doing is making your horse a woose.