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Q: What happens if you don't treat dermatitis?
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How to effectively treat contact dermatitis?

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat skin disorders including contact dermatitis. An experienced herbalist can recommend the remedies that will be most effective for an individual's condition.

What happens if you dont treat a dislocation?

If a dislocation is not treated, it will continue to cause pain, be dysfunctional and can "freeze" in place.

How does homeopathy treat contact dermatitis?

One homeopathic remedy commonly prescribed to relieve the itching associated with contact dermatitis is Rhus toxicodendron taken internally three to four times daily.

What happens if you take intuniv and dont have ADHD?

It's used to treat other things besides ADHD, as well.

What is a vanos?

Vanos is a brand name of a topical steroid. It is used to treat itching associated with eczema and seborrheic dermatitis.

How do you treat facial dermatitis?

if its non infected u can use nericid cream twice daily for 1 week

What happens if you wash your hands to much with soap?

You could end up developing dermatitis

What diseases does oak bark treat?

Diarrhea, sore throats, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, vaginal infections, leukorrhea, and possibly high cholesterol.

What happens when you don't treat alzheimer's disease?

What happens when you don't treat Alzheimers disease

What happens if you wash your hands too much?

If you over wash your hands, it can result in inflammation suck as ezcema and dermatitis.

What causes stasis dermatitis?

Stasis dermatitis, a consequence of poor circulation, occurs when leg veins can no longer return blood to the heart as efficiently as they once did. When that happens, fluid collects in the lower legs and causes them to swell

What diseases does biotin treat?

Yeast infections, seborrheic dermatitis or Leiner's disease, weight loss, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.