

What happens when you eat poison?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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14y ago

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You only have 45 hours to live and you only have 4 hours to find a magical space unicorn to heal you from your hypnosis and you get to fly a Charizard home safely to your Uncle and Aunt's in Bel-Air! On the playground where I spend most of my days, Chillin' out maxin' out realxin all cool Shootin' some b-ball out in the school, when a couple of guys said were up to no good! Started makin some trouble in my neighborhood! ;D

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Depending on the type of berry you ate, there are many different results and effects. Most common side effects of poisonous berries include nausea, fever, and diarrhea. Some berries are known to cause death, extreme burning of the mouth and throat, and some can put you in a coma. Eating berries that you are familiar with is strongly not recommended.

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depending on the amount you will either get really sick and need to go to the hospital for an antidote, or if you ingest a large amount death can occur

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Actually there can be somehow a medicine to cure cats .i am not sure but a kitten can easily not live if this happens when its been 2 or 3 days and this happens it will depends on age