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Depending on who landed the first blow, if you did, you can get charged with assault. If the other person did, you just defended yourself. Of course it would be good to have witnesses. It is a he said she said thing without them.


I'm pretty sure even if they started it you will end up with a fine or jail time if you hurt them bad enough. Best thing is to take them down and run, I know it's lame but you can thank your government for that lol.

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Engaging in physical violence, regardless of the age of the other person, is illegal and considered assault. It is important to resolve conflicts through non-violent means and seek help from authorities if necessary. The age of the other person does not justify or excuse violent behavior.

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Q: What happens if you fight someone who is 17 and your over 18?
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If a 15 year old and 17 year old got in a fist fight would only the 17 year old get in trouble if no one got hurt and the girls both agreed on the fight?

The legal implications would depend on the laws in the specific jurisdiction, but generally speaking, both minors could potentially face consequences for engaging in a fight, regardless of whether they both agreed to it. The 17-year-old might face more severe consequences due to being closer to the age of majority, but both could be held accountable. It is important to address the underlying issues that led to the fight and to encourage non-violent conflict resolution.

Is it illegal to be a 15 year old dating a 17 year old in Missouri?

In Missouri, the legal age of consent is 17. This means that it is illegal for someone who is 17 to engage in sexual activity with someone who is 15. It's important to be aware of and follow the laws in your state to avoid any legal issues.

If you move out at 17 without parental consent what happens?

If you move out at 17 without parental consent, you can be reported as a runaway. Depending on the laws in your area, you may be required to return home or could face legal consequences. It is important to understand the legal implications of leaving home at a young age.

Is it illegal for a 17-year-old to date someone who is under the age of 17 in Michigan?

In Michigan, the legal age of consent is 16, so it is generally not illegal for a 17-year-old to date someone under the age of 17 as long as there is no sexual activity involved. However, there are still considerations related to maturity and emotional readiness for such relationships.

Is it illegal for a 17 year old to date anyone over 21 in Michigan?

There are no laws specifically prohibiting a 17-year-old from dating someone over 21 in Michigan. However, Michigan's age of consent is 16, so there could be potential legal issues if the relationship becomes sexual. It's important to be aware of the age of consent laws and the legal implications of the relationship.

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What happens if a seventeen year old runaway and their parents both go to court to fight each other on the subject?

There is nothing to fight over in court. Until the 17 year old becomes an adult, or files for emancipation, they live with their parents.

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ALF - 1986 Someone to Watch Over Me Part 1 2-17 was released on: USA: 8 February 1988 Netherlands: 17 May 1988

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ALF - 1986 Someone to Watch Over Me Part 1 2-17 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

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You can be 17 years old but you won't be able to fight you will go into training over the summer if you are still in High School.

Is a 17 year old legal in Arizona?

Umm,yes a 17-year-old is legal in Arizona but a 17-year-old dating someone over the age of 18 is a no.

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Yes, there are no laws for dating just regarding sex and in Colorado the age of consent is 17 so you can even have sex.

When was Fight the Power created?

Fight the Power was created on 1989-09-17.

Can my daughter who is 17 and in Texas Legally date someone over the 3 year limit?

Not until the age of 18.

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Revolution - 2012 Why We Fight 2-17 was released on: USA: 19 March 2014

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I would say..... John 3:16+17