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Same as any other car. The ticket is issed to the DRIVER - not the CAR.

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Q: What happens if you get a speeding ticket in a rental car?
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What happens if you get a speeding ticket in a rental car with no renters insurance?

The speeding ticket is a separate issue. If you don't have insurance you get done for driving without insurance, speeding or not.

Can you get a speeding ticket if you are not driving the rental car?

How are you speeding if your not driving???

Can I get a Speeding ticket with a rental car?

Yes, you can get a ticket. And just like if you were driving your own car, you can risk having points on your record and an increase in insurance.

Got a ticket for speeding 22mph on rental car. don't have personal auto insurance. I am listed seprately from my family and am not on their insurance policy. will they find out?

That's a first. I have never heard of any insurance paying for a speeding ticket. The person driving is responsible regardless of it being a rental car or not.

What happens when an 18 year old in Maine gets stopped for speeding ticket with only a permit and no licensed driver in the car?

They get a ticket.

Can you fight a Missouri speeding ticket if you were in a rental car and something was wrong with the speedometer?

You can fight any ticket. Winning in court is another thing. I would get the speedometer discrepancy documented and then get a lawyer.

What happens when a car overspeeds?

The usual result of speeding is not good. Either you will get stopped by the police and given a ticket or you can have an accident. Either way speeding is a bad idea.

Can you get out of a speeding ticket if the style of car was not listed on the speeding ticket?

No. If you are caugh speeding, they will note down your registration plate and the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).

What happens if you get a St sweeping ticket but the car is a rental?

The car rental firm will receive the fine if you do not pay it. Then they will send a copy of your contract to the appropriate authority and you will will be tracked down and made to pay.

If you get a speeding ticket while driving a rental car will your insurance go up?

Insurance rates are based primarily on your personal driving habits and record, so if you receive a ticket while driving a rental car it can still be reported to your insurance company because the citing officer has your drivers license information. So in short, it is definitely possible for your insurance company to raise your rate based on a speeding ticket you received while driving a rented vehicle.

Can police in Maryland give you a speeding ticket when you are out of your car?

Yes. What would being in or out of your car have to do with the issue? Were you speeding is the issue.

Can you rent a car with a speeding ticket?

Depends what country you're in.