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Details: License suspended Feb 25 2010 due to DUI. Received a restricted license a few days later. The restricted license allows me to drive to and from work and court appointed activities. I was in fact going to a court appointed activity when I was pulled over on January 19 2011. Speeding, 59 in a 35 - cited for "Speeding 1-25 over 15-301 (55-8-152)".

The cop said everything checked out ok and I could send the ticket w/ $80 in or appear in court March 15, 2011.

My questions are

1. Will this affect the points on my license? I mean, it's currently suspended so I'm not sure how that works? I read a ticket going that fast is 4 points on your license, but I'm not sure how the point system works on a restricted.

2. Will it be suspected for a longer time?

3. What if I go to court and try to fight it, or take driving school to keep it off my record?

4. At what point does the ticket go on my record? For instance, the date of the incident, the date I pay the ticket, or the date I go to court (if I choose to do so)?

Not that it matters, but the cop radar'd a different car. I was only going 30, and am 100% sure about that. However, when the cop says, I got you going 59, and you say, I know I was going 30 sir, and he says, no, you were going 59 - what do you do? I said ok, thank you sir.

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Q: What happens if you get a speeding ticket on a restricted license in Tennessee?
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What happens when you get a speeding ticket and your license have expired?

you get to pay two tickets son

What happens if you do not pay a speeding ticket?

Your license is usually suspended and a warrant for your arrest will be issued.

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I guess you go to jail in Ohio

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If you were driving outside the provisions, as in driving at night when you're not supposed to, you could face additional fines and.or penalties and possibly get your license revoked. If not, you will still get the regular fine as prescribed by law for speeding in your state.

What if i live in ct and got a speeding ticket in tn and haven't paid it?

Tennessee will issue a warrant for your arrest and report it to the national center. Then your license will be suspended.

What happens if you don't pay a speeding ticket in New York State?

They will suspend your license and probably issue a warrant for your arrest.

Do ny speeding tickets go onto your ct license?

do ny speeding tickets affect a ct license

Will a speeding ticket in MA affect NY drivers license?

When you get a speeding ticket, generally, points are added to your license. So yes, a speeding ticket that is out of state, will still effect your license.

If you have a learners permit in California can you get a speeding ticket?

You can get a speeding ticket regardless of what license you have; that doesn't change the fact you were speeding.

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They will probably get your license number and then if you dont pay they will track you down