

What happens if you give hamsters lettuce?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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They eat it.

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Q: What happens if you give hamsters lettuce?
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no but sometimes lettuce does

Can you give hamsters lettuce?

yes hamsters can eat icberg lettuce. it may not completely fill their little tummy but it will give them something to snack on. I've been feeding it to my hamster and she was fine. You could give it some iceberg lettuce but not too much.

What kind of lettuce can hamsters have?

Hamsters can have all kinds of lettuce, except iceburg, and do not give it to them straight from the fridge, it is bad for them and may hurt their teeth. x0x0 bebs

Why does lettuce kills hamsters?

Hamsters can eat some vegetables (including lettuce) every second day. Avoid giving too much lettuce because they can become sick.

Give animal and give kind of food?

uh, hamster you buy packs of food in local pet store you can give them lettuce too bananas (little amounts) I LOVE HAMSTERS

What happens if hamsters have milk?

It's not good for them, they are lactose intolerant and it will give them diarrhea.

Are hamsters herbavores?

Yes they are , they can eat green but not lettuce or chocolate.

Do hamsters eat leaves?

they cannot eat lettuce it will kill them!!!!!!!!!!!! hamsters can eat basil and dandilion leaves only!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Can Chinese hamsters eat lettuce?

Yes, all hamsters love to eat veggies and healthy snacks. They really appreciate having lots of variety in their diet but don't give them treats too often otherwise they will grow fat.

What color food do hamsters like best?

hamsters dont care what kind of food they get. but hamsters will eat all kinds of seeds, like sunflower or pumpkin, go to a pet store to buy a variety of seeds. u can also give them fresh veggies like lettuce or celury

What green vegetable do hamsters eat?

Hamsters can eat lettuce, broccoli and peas. That's all I can think of and that's what I feed my hamster.

Is it true your hamster can eat Bell Peppers give a website too please?

Hamsters can eat Bell Peppers, but not chili peppers, mine like lettuce too.