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you cant go close to a milky way because there is only one galaxy that is called that and we live in one of its spirals because it is a spiral galaxy.

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Q: What happens if you go close to a milky way?
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What constellation does the milky way galaxy go through?

The Milky Way stretches through various constellations, so it does not belong to any one of them.

Does the sun go behind the milky way?

No, the sun is one of the most important parts of the milky way. If the milky way didn’t have a sun than are universe would not currently be in existenc. The sun would have already exploded if it was not part of the Milky Way .

What happens if a person goes near the milky way galaxy?

Well, all known people ARE inside the Milky Way galaxy. However, if we go near other celestial objects inside the milky way, such as black-holes, and supernovas, we would surely get fried/distorted by the huge amounts of gamma radiation and the immense gravity of these objects.

What do the astrologers call our galaxy?

We (the carbon units who inhabit the Earth) have named our galaxy the "Milky Way". If there's anybody else out there, we have no idea what they call our galaxy, or whether they care.

Will the Milky Way ever go away?

Yes, it is not eternal.

When was the discovery of the Milky Way and the Galexy?

When the telescope was made, and when the astronauts could go to space, that was when the Milky Way and the Whole Galaxy theory was proved right.

To which galaxy did Pluto go?

Pluto is still in the Milky Way Galaxy.

How do you go to a different demension?

If there was a wormhole(there can be) it has to be opened because it's small. Then you travel inside which it can send you somewhere farther then the Milky Way or may just send you to somewhere close to Pluto.

How long is the sun's period in the milky way galaxy?

It takes the Sun (i.e., the Solar System) ca. 240 million years to go once around the Milky Way.

How do you get a picture of the milky way?

Go to

Which university did Lady Gaga go to?

The University of Space Cadets in the Milky Way.

What stars locate milky galaxy?

Go outside on any clear night and look in the sky. Every star you can see is in the Milky Way Galaxy.