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Some say that it will affect your health, and that you could get herpes from it. But scientists have discovered that with too much thiamine in your system you could put too much stress on your bodily fluids therefore, getting a disease known as _______ which I don't know. Though as you may know thiamine is just a nutrient which is found in many foods, but sometimes if you "overdose" it, it can be harmful to your body. There is some person I met they only live near me and they said because of having too much thiamine it has affected their bodily fluid AND given them herpes, which as you know isn't good at all... Thankyou for using I have all the answers to you solutions.

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Q: What happens if you have too much thiamine?
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What happens if didnt have enough thiamine in your diet?

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How much thiamine is in a strawberry?

The amount of Vitamin B1 or Thiamine in one cup of Strawberry with skin is about 0.04 milligrams.

What happens if you don't have enough thiamine?

Lack of Thiamine can lead to a disease called Beriberi. Beriberi is a disease that can affect your ability to walk, stand, and major muscles. It is very hard to get this disease, because Thiamine can be found in every day meals. If you ate a burger and fries, you would have enough Thiamine, just barely. This is, because Thiamine is added to all flower.

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What happens if you dont get enough thiamine?

A lack of thiamine causes the disease beriberi. People with beriberi have difficulty standing, walking, and controlling their muscles.It's very easy to get enough thiamine in the diet these days because it's added to processed grains. However, people who abuse alcohol or have a very poor diet may suffer from a thiamine deficiency.

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If you get too much calcium you may get calcium deposits on your bones.

How much is thiamine 50mg and 100mg cost and retail?

This is a reasonable and inexpensive supplement. It usually costs around 10 dollars to 15 dollars for these amounts of thiamine.