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Q: What happens if you inhale live cancer cells?
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What happens to the cells during skin cancer?

The cells die of and it takes a while for the new cells togrow back but if you live through it and the cancer is ALL the way gone then eventually the cells come back! :)

What happens if you eat live cancer cells?

Cancer cells are like any other cell as far as the digestive tract is concerned. They will be digested if you eat them, unless they are from a plant or animal that is not edible.

How does estrogen effect the prostate?

As a general term "cancer" means that some abnormal cells are present in a particular part of your body. All the cells of our body have their own "program" to live, but cancer cells do not follow this program. The same happens with prostate cancer, it is characterized by the presence of abnormal prostate cells (cancer cells), causing the damages to prostate and other symptoms. These cells are capable to multiply very fast, increasing their number and the tumor size. Because of this, the normal prostate cells are suppressed and cannot function properly. When a man has prostate cancer, his PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels will rise. In many cases of prostate cancer, the prostate gland is removed.

Do ants get cancer?

I think they get cancer from pesticides.Maybe because they do have cells but most of them don't live that long anyway unless its the queen.

Is bone cancer contagious?

No. Cancer is not contagious. Cancer cells from one person are generally unable to live in the body of another healthy person. The healthy person's immune system recognizes the cancer cells and destroys them. There have been a few cases in which organ transplants from people with cancer have been able to cause cancer in the person who got the organ.No, bone cancer is not contagious.

Is cancer a disease of cell division?

Partially yes. Cancer is a disease of population of cells that live, divide, invade and srepad without normal control.

Does secondary cancer mean you have not got long to live?

Secondary cancer occurs when cancer cells from the primary site break away and spread to another part of the body. No, secondary cancer does not necessarily mean that you have not got long to live, but in truth nobody knows the life expectation of someone with secondary cancer.

Why cancer can have such a serious effect on human health?

Cancer could have a serious effect on human health because it makes the growth in cell number slow down and with out cells you wouldn't be able to live. Cancer also kills your cells which makes things even worse.

What is live cancer?

Live cancer is an active cancer.

What are good vitamins to take for rectal cancer?

I think the best for any type of cancer is Vitamin C infusions. Cancer cells cannot live in that acidic environment but we cannot absorb enough Vit C orally.

Does the pH of water affects cancer cell growth?

Yes, cancer cells cannot grow and live in alkaline environment, at pH 7.4 , their growth stops, and at pH 8.4 they die .

Does yogurt cause cancer?

No. Yogurt does not cause Breast cancer. Cancer occurs when changes called mutations take place in genes that regulate cell growth and breast cancer is cancer that develops in breast cells. Dr. Steven Quay is here to guide women to live a heathy lifestyle to reduce the risk of breast cancer today. You can find his guidance in his website.