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It bursts into a napalm like flame, only to be extinguished by the saliva of a epilepsy stricken narwhal. And then you go to jail.

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Q: What happens if you poo on your cat?
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Related questions

Why don't cat owners have to pick up their cats poo?

Because cats poo is small and they usually poo in their littler box in the house... if they are an outside cat they usually poo in the woods.... or somewhere hidden they bury their poo

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Are you a cat or a mouse?

no way you poo

How do you get rid of cat poo from a boarding catterie?

Cat poo? Hmm... Let me think it over. Give him a mouse,or hamster better.

What is cat poo made off?

Whatever the cat eats with toxins from the cat's insides.

Is there a cat named cosmo?

no that's Blae the cat you poo head

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cat poo

Who is Mc Dogfish Cat Poo?

A dude.

What is settlement growth?

poo cat meow

Why is there poo on my laptop screen?

ohh, its because my cat did a poo and it shook itself next to me so that's why theres poo on it....yummy! :P

What classification the dogs and cats belongs?

cat poo

Did the cat get your tongue?

Well why does a bear poo in the woods