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Q: What happens if you put a nail in water and let it sit for a few days?
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What happens when you put a nail in a glass of water and leave it aside for 2 hours?

it will rust in few hours

What will happen to the leaf that was covered with red nail varnish after a few days?

It will die after a few days

What will be observed when iron nail is added to boiled water and kept undisturbed for few days?

It will rust a bit, but not much.

If you put dye into water and leave it for a few days what happens?

the water will soon turn the colour of the dye

What happens to a leaf in salt water?

When you put a leaf in salt water, the leaf will start to turn brown in a few days. The leaf will start to turn brown in a mater of days.

What happens when a rusty nail is placed in a dilute HCl for few minutes?

The rust is dissolved.

What will rust a nail the fastest?

tap water will rust it faster. tap water lets more oxygen get to the nail and should cause it to rust in a few hours after being put in the water

How do you make a nail or other metal object rusty?

To make a metal object rusty you:soak it in water for a few days and...voila! Believe me I've tried it!

Can a average human survive without water for a few days or a few weeks?

yes because if you drink water daily you will have water leftin your body but only for a few days like 2 - 4 days and then you should start dinking water again daily for at least a week

What happens when a jar of water with dust and dirt is stirred is left undisturbed for a few hours or days?

When a jar of water with dust and dirt has been stirred and then left undisturbed for a few days, the dust and dirt will settle to the bottom of the jar. Leaving in an undisturbed state will cause the water to separate from the heavy debris that settles on the bottom of the jar.

What happens when water settles in skateboard grip tape?

Nothing much happens it just gets wet and a little slippery. But if you put a lot of water then it will take a Few days to become back to how it was Don't try to put water on it or mud as the mud takes long to get off

What happens when you put a nail in soda?

Iron nails cannot dissolve in Coke or Pepsi, or dissociation of the ions so negligible that it will not matter either way.