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The redstone will burn. No questions asked, it burns.

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Q: What happens if you put redstone in lava in Minecraft?
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How do I get redstone to all pistons in Minecraft?

you can put a redstone repeater behind any type of piston and when you add a redstone charge it should work

How do you make redstone wire in Minecraft?

You get redstone dust and place it on the ground or a block. You can't put redstone wire on walls or roofs.

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How do you make a redstone torch on Minecraft?

To make a redstone torch, you must have one redstone dust and one stick. You put the stick on the bottom and the redstone dust above the stick. It's the same recipe as a torch, only with redstone dust instead of coal.

How do you place Redstone in minecraft?

place it down like any normal block. If you want it to do something though, put it in a line or place the redstone next to eachother.

How do you get redstone in minecraft to light up without triggering something?

If you mean the redstone wiring, then just put some down on the ground and then put a pressure pad, switch or button next to it, and it should light up.

How do you expoled tnt on minecraft?

to explode tnt you need to put a redstone current to it, this can be either direct or through redstone wire. to create a redstone signal use either a: lever, redstone torch or a redstone block you can set a line or circuit of redstone up to the tnt as long as you power the line with one of the power sources listed above

How do you get a sch lump on minecraft?

well im not sure what you sayed but if you want a lamp put a stick and on top coal(charcoal) it makes 4 torches for redstone same thing but replace the coal with redstone

How do you make a booster in minecraft?

To make a booster rail, you have to have 6 gold, 1 redstone dust, and a stick. You put the gold on both sides, leaving the middle column empty, then put the redstone on the bottom middle, then put the stick in the very middle. This creates 6 booster rails.

Does glass burn in Minecraft?

No, glass does not burn in minecraft. But in an odd occasion i put glass over lava and it started burning.

How do you make a table out of a pistol on minecraft?

im guessing you ment piston, if so, put the piston in the ground, and under it, place a redstone torch.

How do you connect a button to a dispencer in minecraft?

it doesn't work with buttons. you can put a pressure plate, redstone torch, or a lever right next to the dispenser