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some say that there are different dimensions of the world, like we live in the present, and some other people are still living in the past and or future, and if you run from your "destiny" you alter what happens not only in YOUR dimension but in OTHER ones too.

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Q: What happens if you run away from your destiny?
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What will happen if you run away from destiny?

The dictionary explains destiny as "An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future". So destiny is the result of an action on our part. We can wait the result of that action which is destined to happen. Even if we change that action destiny will always be there, there is no escape, so must accept what destiny awaits us.

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nothing, it is not illegal to runaway in this state.

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If you shoo away your cat, it will run away and you'll need to get another from Gertrude.

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That is moving out not running away. At 21 you are an adult.

What happens if you run away?

Running away may lead to temporary relief or escape, but it can also bring about negative consequences such as being in danger, experiencing hardships, and feeling isolated or lost. It's important to seek help and support when feeling overwhelmed or dealing with difficult situations instead of running away.

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Your cat will run away and you'll have to get another cat from Gertrude.

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The mouse would be afraid and run away from the elephant.

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