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The last time i forgot to milk the goat the teets exploded

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Q: What happens if you skip a milking for a goat?
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Related questions

What is the best way to dry up a milking goat?

The most natural way to dry off a milking goat is to stop milking her.

What happens to a mother goats milk if the baby goat dies?

A mother goat's milk will build up if the baby dies, and dry out eventually if it is a meat or fibre goat. If it is a dairy goat, milking will be necessary, or the goat's udder will burst and no one will ever be able to milk it again. Kids on a dairy goat help keep the udder from, at best, distending, or at worst, bursting. Milking also helps the goat get used to the milking routine.

When can you start milking a goat?

The easiest place to milk a goat is on a milking stand. See the related link

How is a dairy goat milked?

By hand or with a milking machine.

Are there goats not for milking?

Goats not for milking:Meat goat breeds:Boer, Kalahari and Feral/Australian Bush goat.Fibre goat breeds:Angora, Cashmere.

When do you stop milking your goat who has been bred?

Two months prior to kidding.

How do you keep a goat from kicking when you are milking it?

if you have a side bar on your milking stand, you just tie one of the back legs to it with a old dog collar or leash

How do you make a goat milking machine?

It hooks up to the cows utters and sucks the milk out of them.

In Farmville you get 6 coins for milking a cow but you get 54 coins for milking a goat It would seem better to have a goat herd but can you keep them in the dairy barn?

No, you can't put the goats in the dairy barn. It's just for cows but yeah in terms of amount of harvest, goat is better but not with pink and green cows.

Can goat milk when pregnant?

Yes if you kept milking her since she had her last kid but it is recommended that you stop milking her at least two months before she is due to kid next.

What is the biggest Giraffe?

What is the largest giraffe? What is the largest giraffe?

How do you use iodine strong 10 on animals?

on a cow or perhaps a goat you use that to clean of the teat before you would put the milking device on it and after you take the milking device of you clean the teat again