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Mental disorders such as psychosis can be the result of smoking high grade skunk over a long period of time. Well i say long it would usually take around 5 years of smoking skunk on a daily basis.

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Q: What happens if you smoke too much k2?
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Can fake weed k2 make you mental?

No but it can kill you if you do too much or for too long

They sending my positive result to lab corps of k2 testing to see if I smoke?

Yes. They are sending your positive result to lab of K2 testing so that they can see if you smoke.

How old do you have to be to smoke k2 herb?

it has no age limit and it is legal

How do you flush K2 out your system?

Same way you smoke pot?

Can you smoke k2 on probation and not get in trouble?

Yes, you can because K2 is synthetic weed, which makes no THC show up in your system.

What are the side effects of smoking k2?

K2 is the second highest mountain in the world it is impossible to smoke a mountain! However is you mean the synthetic drug K2, the this is supposed to cause psychosis.

What smoke shops sale k2 in Chicago?

on the internet enless you have a good connect

Does k2 get your system?

Hell no! I went to go to go take my UA today when I was high off k2 so don't trIp just smoke.

How long do you have to wait to pass a urine drug test after you smoke K2?

I smoked k2 and passed a drug test the same day! Good luck.

Will your bad k2 experience effect your normal uses of medical marijuana?

no it will not so smoke on

Does k2 have any THC in it?

No. You can smoke K2 and it's perfectly legal and you can still pass a drug test with it in your system. It's an herb. It contain absolutely NO TCH WHATSOEVER!

How long can k2 be stored and still be affective?

K2 can last 30-120 minutes depending on the dosage, but too much will cause major brain damage and could eventually lead to death. Hope this helps!