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1. you become constipated.. 2. you make yourself susceptible to colon cancer. 3. you develop pimples in your face because of bacteria that should have left your body. 4. you will become overweight because you are eating too much saturated fats, the fruits gives you ruffage, helping you to stool more often and with more ease

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Q: What happens if you stop eating fruit or vegetables?
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You can stop your stomach from talking or growling by eating something. If you are on a diet you can eat a snack of fruit or vegetables. A smoothie is also filling and you can incorporate the two.

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Do not eat fried food instead we can eat vegetables

How do you stop snacking?

Eating a healthy breakfast that includes fresh fruit -- such as an apple -- is the first step against snacking. It is important to drink water throughout the day and to structure lunch and dinner around fiber-containing foods and vegetables.

Can fruit cause diarrhea?

Yes, it can. If you're a junkie it might if you go vegan. I am a vegetarian and eat pretty much only fruits and vegetables. But I highly suggest you DO start eating fruits and vegetables, even if you do have diarrhea. It will stop after a while, and it will do your body so much good to eat natural foods. Or you might have fructose malabsorption, in which case you should limit your fruit intake to avoid diarrhea.

What happens to people that eat to much sugar?

stop eating fat!!

How do I stop feeling full?

Try eating less at each meal, and eat more salad and fruit.

When I eat Goldfish I usually get acid reflux is there anyway to stop this from happening without not eating Goldfish completely?

eat it with vegetables.

How do you stop binge eating?

Hmmm... I think you can stop binge eating by not skipping your meals, and not restrict yourself from eating junk food. E.g. Eating vegetables, fruits, and all the other healthy food all the time can trigger binge eating on junk food. Keeping your diet balanced is the best way to go :)

What happens if you stop healthy eating?

you get fat......i think You will gain weight and have vitamin deficiencies.

What happens when you stop eating?

You Die! Simple as That... I Honestly feel sorry for all you people...

What happens to elderly people when they stop eating?

Yes I know someone who finished that way.