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There are no ill effects from using a tampon for bleeding from miscarriage, whether or not you knew you were pregnant. You can use tampons or pads for this bleeding. If bleeding is extremely heavy, pads may be easier.

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Q: What happens if you use a tampon during bleeding in miscarriage if you didn't know you were pregnant?
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Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.

Does bleeding during pregnancy cause miscarriage?


Do you cramp and bleed bright red blood during a miscarriage?

Yes. If you are pregnant and are bleeding and cramping, go to the E.R. immediately. There are other complications that can cause bleeding and when medical help is sought soon enough, it may be possible to avoid miscarriage.

What stop bleeding during miscarriage?

You have to see a doctor.

How do you know if you had miscarriage?

The most common symptom of a miscarriage is bleeding; bleeding during pregnancy may be referred to as a threatened abortion. Of women who seek clinical treatment for bleeding during pregnancy, about half will go on to have a miscarriage. Symptoms other than bleeding are not statistically related to miscarriage.1 Miscarriage may also be detected during an ultrasound exam, or through serial human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) testing. Women pregnant from ART methods, and women with a history of miscarriage, may be monitored closely and so detect a miscarriage sooner than women without such monitoring.11.

Is clotting always associated with miscarriage during early pregnancy?

No. It is normal for a lot of women to experience clots during their period. But if your pregnant and you experience clots along with heavy bleeding, then this is usually a indication of a miscarriage. You need to see your OB or doctor for confirmation.

Does bleeding clots only one time indicate a miscarriage?

If you have a confirmed pregnancy & was bleeding clots then this can indicate a miscarriage but you need to see your Docctor to confirm this with him. However if you was not pregnant but experienced clots during your period for the first time, then this is not caused by a miscarriage. Clots during a period is perfectly normal & may occur every period or only once a year. Its different in each Woman.

Is having your period while pregnant a myth?

Not exactly. Some women have bleeding in the first month of two of pregnancy, but it is not technically a period. Also, if you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, you might actually be having a miscarriage.

Is there any other cause of bleeding during pregnancy than miscarriage?

Yes implantation bleeding however any bleeding during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.

7wks pregnant spotting but no other symptoms is this a sign of a miscarriage?

You should see a doctor for any bleeding during pregnacy. You should not ask for a diagnosis over the internet.

Is bleeding occur during pregnancy?

no, and if you are bleeding during pregnancy u need to go see the doctor because u might have had a miscarriage

After implantation bleeding is it possible to still be pregnant after receiving a period 2 weeks later?

If you have had implantation bleeding, that would mean you are pregnant. Now if you are having your period, see a doctor immediately. Periods can be normal during pregnancy, if it is brown. If it is red, that might mean a miscarriage is coming. Yes, it could be implantation bleeding, cervical changes, signs of an ectopic pregnancy or signs of a miscarriage. If you are concerned you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.