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I was told that you can probably use Vigamox up to 6 months after the expiration date and still have it do the job. I would err on the side of caution though, and replace it if the expiration has passed.

As an antibiotic, the main risk of expired Rigamox is it won't kill the bacteria, or much of them, and most will become survivors that evolve better resistance to the drug.

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Q: What happens if you use eye ointments after expiration date?
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It is usually one month of opening the bottle, and three months from date of maufacturinf, whichever is earlier

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its on the bottom of the cap go see a f-ing nurse about that weak as eye i bet u made a mistake and liked a girls privite when u thought u were getting on the bus :o

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you eye will be black and white .

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