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You will die

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Q: What happens if you were to eat an eighth of a food that had one quarter teaspoon of borax in it?
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How many mg of borax in a teaspoon?


What happens with a borax and glue and water solution?

borax form a precipitate [solid formed inside]

What happens when borax and water mix?

they form crystals but that's only if you have a pipe cleaner and hot water and borax

What happens when you mix water and Borax?

they form crystals but that's only if you have a pipe cleaner and hot water and borax

What happens when borax reacts with hydrochloric acid?


How do you make a ball out of borax and glue?

You will need 1 tablespoon white glue, 1/2 teaspoon borax, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 tablespoons warm water, 2 disposable cups, and 2 stir sticks. Dissolve the borax in the warm water. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of the borax mixture, and all cornstarch to the glue. Allow to stand for 15 seconds, then stir. Remove the mixture and roll in your hands to make a ball. This will be a sticky, but solidifies as it is rolled.

What happens when borax is heated?

When heated borax undergoes various transitions,first it loses water molecules and swells,then it turns into a transparent liquid solidifying to for a glass like structure called borax beads. Na2B4O7.10H20 -->heating Na2B4O7 -->heating 2NaBO2 + B2O3 BORAX SODIUM BORIC METABORATE ANHYDRIDE

What happens if you mix copper chloride and borax and boric acid in a fire?

Pits the fire out

How make Gak without liquid starch?

you can use 1 1/2 cups of water and mix in 1 teaspoon of borax mix until borax dissolves then in a dif. bowl pour 1 bottle of glue in and add food coloring mix then add 1/2 cup of water mix well, then pour borax water in glue mix keep slime in a ziplock bag

Is borax in tide?

Tide does not contain borax as such but contain the same chemical as borax.

Is there a recipe for making borax?

Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon borax powder in 1/2 cup warm water in one of the three bowls. In the second bowl, measure out about 1/2 cup of clear glue and mix with 1/2 cup of water until well blended. Pour the borax and water mixture into the glue and water mixture and stir! You will see everything come together immediately.

Is borax in tide detergent?

Tide does not contain borax as such but contain the same chemical as borax.