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Q: What happens if your respiratory system breaks down?
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ull die noob

What is the difference between the respiratory and the circulatory system?

The digestive system breaks down and absorbs food. The circulatory system circulates blood through your body. The respiratory system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide. With the help of the circulatory system it transfers these gases to and from your cells.

How does the respiratory system respond to lying down'?

As your heart slows down, so does your entire respiratory system.

If a system is a collection of interacting part's what happens when one of the part is changed?

It influences the entire system. Breaks it down and will not operate properly.

What happens when the Cardiovascular system breaks down?

You will obviously die. Cardiovascular is a medical term for heart and if that fails, you will be dead.

What happens to the food when it is in the body?

it breaks down

When the diaphragm contracts and forces the abdominal organs downward what happens to the respiratory system?

As the volume of space above the pulled down diaphragm increases, air rushes into the lungs and they inflate, bringing fresh oxygenated air into the respiratory system.

Does the respiratory system break down food?

no it is the breathing system

What is the internal organ system called that breaks that breaks down food?

gastrointestingal system (GI)

What happens when a food chain breaks down?

when a food chain breaks down, the animals above will not have enough food

What happens with carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood?

IT slowly breaks down in to a flued IT slowly breaks down in to a flued

What pathway is in the digestive system and the respiratory system?

the respiratory system and the digestive system share the Pharynx. The Respiratory system contains the eppiglottis, which keeps food going down the esophogus instead of the trachea