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Q: What happens if your ribs are touching the iliac crest?
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What are the bony landmarks f the abdominopelvic cavity?

The bony landmarks are: iliac crest (a good place to put you hands on), anterior superior iliac spine (that "bump" you can feel on either side of your stomach if it is flat), symphysis pubis (between the legs), sacral promontory which you can not feel but is above the leaf shaped tail bone called the sacrum. Plus the lower ribs and end of the sternum.

What happens to your ribs when you exhale?

It moves inward.your ribs will be bend out

What is the landmark that determines the boundaries of the abdominal and pelvic cavities?

Rostral landmarks include the lower thoracic vertebrae, along with the lumbar vertebrae, and their associated ribs. Caudal landmarks include, the sacrum, coccyx, ileum and ischium and pubic bones. The bony landmarks are: iliac crest (a good place to put you hands on), anterior superior iliac spine (that "bump" you can feel on either side of your stomach if it is flat), symphysis pubis (between the legs), sacral promontory which you can not feel but is above the leaf shaped tail bone called the sacrum. Plus the lower ribs and end of the sternum.

What happens to the ribs when you inhail?

the ribs expand slightly to give the lungs room to expand also.

What happens if you eat bad ribs?

you get sick.

What happens when your ribs go up?


How many regions of the abdomen?

You have nine regions of the abdomen. You have two mid clavicle lines going vertically. One horizontal line going below the costa or ribs. One horizontal line going across the iliac crest. So you have epigastric region, umbilical region and hypo gastric region from top to bottom, between two mid clavicle lines. You have two hypochondriac regions, two lumber regions and two iliac fossae on either side of the mid clavicle lines.

What muscle originates on the pubic crest and pubic symphysis and inserts on thecartilage 6-7 ribs and the xiphoid process?

The rectus abdominis.

What happens to the cartilage between your ribs and breastbone when you breathe?

The cartilage between the ribs and breastbone moves and flexes when you breathe.

Origin and insertion of rectus abs?

Rectus abdominisOrigin: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis.Insertion: Cartilage of 5th to 7th ribs and xyphoid process.

What happens to the ribs and diaphragm when you breathe in?

The diaphragm goes down, pulling air into the lungs. Your ribs expand, helping your lungs to expand also.

What happens to you ribs when you exhale?

The ribs lower during exhalation. During forced exhalation, the quadratus lumborum muscle stabilizes the 12th rib while the internal intercostal muscles and transverse thoracic muscle pull the ribs downward forcefully to decrease the volume of the thorax.