

Best Answer

Rectus abdominis
Origin: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis.
Insertion: Cartilage of 5th to 7th ribs and xyphoid process.

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Q: Origin and insertion of rectus abs?
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Is the origin of a muscle usually proximal?

1. Nearest; proximate.2. Anatomy Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the what ever you are trying to locate.So if you you where to look for the orgin of Rectus Femoris then yes it would be proximal to the knee.

The name means straight muscle of the abdomen?

Rectus abdominis

What is the scientific name for abs?

rectus abdominis muscle

Name the two points of attachment for the skeletal muscle?

The two attachment points are the origin and insertion. The origin is the immovable (or slightly moveable point. The insertion is the movable point. The insertion always moves towards the origin.

What is the muscle in the center of your abs?

You have rectus abdomins in the center of the abdomen. This is the muscle, which becomes prominent in case of 'six pack abs'.

What muscle is the abs?

"abs" is an abbreviation for "abdominal muscles", which refers to the rectus abdominis, a paired muscle (one on each side).

Musculus rectus abdominis?

The musculus rectus abdominis are also known as the abs or lower abdominals. They are the ones that give people that 'six pack' look.

What is the difference between muscles origin and insertion?

nothing basically ....The origin is usually the prximal attachemnt that is fixed whereas the insertion is the distal stachement that moves with the bone as it contracts.that is what they teach in schoolhowever for example if you do a chin-upyou are contracting biceps but the part is moving is the origin and the arm is stationary the rest of the body is moving with each chin-upso... that isn't an accurate way to look at it.another muscle to look at is rectus abdonomis .. how to tell where is origion..etc

What is the difference between tendons of insertion and tendons of origin?

difference between the origin bendon and the insertion tendon

Is the origin or the insertion more movable attachment?

the insertion is more moveable.

What is reverse origin and insersion?

Reverse origin and insertion refers to the changing of the attachment points of a muscle. When the origin and insertion of a muscle are reversed, the muscle's previous insertion point now becomes the origin, and vice versa. This can have an impact on the muscle's function and movement.

What is the opposite origin of a muscle?
