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Q: What happens in a transfussion of two blood types?
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What are types of the blood?

There are two types of blood. Deoxygenated blood, and oxygenated blood.

Are there two blood types that people have that will not allow them to reproduce?

No, there is no limitation on people of different blood types reproducing.

What are traits of type A blood?

There are two different types of A blood types, there is the one that originated from Europe and one that originated from the Arctic. The two blood types have specific properties and each require certain foods to be healthy.

What are the two different types of blood?

white blood cells and red blood cells

What are the two types of clots that can form?

blood and mucas

What are the two types of blood that are in the heart?

Venous and arterial

Are B and Rh one blood type or two different blood types?

The blood groups A, B, AB and O are the seperate blood types and within a blood type the blood may be Rh+ or Rh-.

What two types of blood circulate throughout the body?

oxygen blood cells and non-oxygen blood cells

What are the two most common blood types in the US?

O+ and A+

What are the two types of cells that can be found in blood?

red White

Blood types are determined by what?

By the presence or absence of two antigens.

Can two parents with the o blood types have a child with the a blood type?

No, because A & B are dominants.