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It starts off continuing right from where the first movie ended. Doc needs Marty to come with him to the future because his son Marty Jr. (who looks exactly like him) gets arrested for a crime that Biff's grandson Griff tricks him into doing. After Marty takes his son's place and ends up getting Griff and his gang arrested instead, he buys a sports almanac with all the results from 1950 to 2000 and Doc throws it away because he believes time-travel is not something to use for personal gain. Biff as an old man overhears everything Marty wanted to do with it, so he gets the sports almanac out of the trash and has a taxi cab follow the DeLorean. When Marty and Doc are away from it to get Jennifer, old Biff steals the time machine and returns it just before they come back. Doc takes Marty and Jennifer back to 1985, but Marty realizes black people are living in his house after he is dropped off and goes out seeing that his neighborhood has been turned into a ghetto. He thinks he is in the wrong year and looks at a newspaper which shows it is the exact same date it was before he was taken to the future that morning. It turns out to be his school principal's house the newspaper was at- so he comes out with a shotgun threatening to blow Marty away. Marty tells him he should know him from school, but the principal says it burned down years ago. Marty is saved at the last minute when thugs come by shooting at the principal. Marty uses that as his chance to get away and runs right for downtown. He finds the area vandalised and realizes the clock tower is now a fancy hotel owned by Biff Tannon. Biff's friends knock Marty out after he sees his mother Lorraine is now married to Biff-but he wakes up hours later seeing his mother has gone wild. Biff shows up and tells Marty he is supposed to be away in Switzerland at a boarding school, then he starts carrying on how he will cut all of Lorraine's kids off because they are hers and not his. After Biff and his friends leave, Marty asks Lorraine where his father George is. She tells him he is where he has been the last 12 years- buried in the town cemetery. Marty finds his father's grave and Doc arrives to tell him that he learned his father had been murdered by a gunshot that could not be charged against. Doc shows Marty the bag the sports almanac was in and that it was no longer in there. Then Doc shows Marty old pictures that he stole from the town library of Biff when he was young of him winning at gambling- the sports almanac is revealed to have been hidden in his pocket which expains why he knew the results. Then Doc shows the top of old Biff's cane that was in the DeLorean. Marty and Doc figure out old Biff stole the time machine and travelled back to give the sports almanac to his younger self. Marty then feels guilty after realizing the alternate 1985 is his very own fault and says they need to stop him from stealing the time machine. Doc says they cannot do that because the future would be within the alternate timeline. So Marty goes to see Biff at his hotel and has him realize he knows about the sports almanac that made him rich. Biff tells him how, where, and when he got it by saying an old man appeared to him on November 12, 1955 when he was getting his car back after it had been fixed because it had crashed into a manure truck. Biff then picks up a gun and says the old man let him know either a teenage kid or an old man scientist would one day show up asking about the book. Marty then starts having to Dodge the shots being fired at him- but Biff hits the silent security alarm after Marty gets out of the room. It contacts his friends who show up to catch Marty before he gets away, but he outsmarts them and manages to get up to the roof. Biff unfortunately sees the door close and walks up there after him. Marty is left with the choice to either jump off the roof or let Biff shoot him dead. Biff says the police cannot do anything about it because he owns them- which is why he is not in prison for murdering Marty's dad years earlier. Marty looks down and jumps off the roof- Biff thinks he decided to go with the choice of suicide. Marty then comes back up showing that he safely landed on the DeLorean. Doc opens the car door into Biff knocking him out. Marty then tells Doc they have to go back to the exact date on the night of the terrible storm in 1955. So Marty and Doc travel back so they can change 1985 back to normal. Doc tells Marty there are now two of each of them in that year. The other Doc is the one who exists in 1955 and the other Marty is the one who travelled back to 1955 by mistake. Marty then begins the mission by finding young Biff at his house and following him when he is going to pick up his car from the repair shop. After seeing Biff harrass his teenage mom Lorraine who says she would never be with him even if he had millions of dollars, Marty sees old Biff surprise his younger self by being right in his car. Biff yells at him to get out and go away, but the old man says he has what it would take to get Lorraine to marry him. Biff still thinks the old man is crazy- but starts thinking differently when the old man starts up his car and drives him right to his house. Old Biff shows young Biff the sports almanac and has him listen to the results of a game on the car radio. Biff wonders how the old man knew what was going to happen, but the old man tells him the results were in the book. So Biff finally realizes the old man knows what he is talking about and agrees to accept the offer. They walk out of the garage together, and Marty tries to follow them. Then he realizes he is locked inside and contacts Doc. Doc says he will have to leave the DeLorean behind in the daylight, but he will be sure to cover it so that no one else steals it. Doc rides a bicycle over to the house, but Biff is pulling out in his car with Marty hiding in the back. While Biff has music playing on the car radio, Marty contacts Doc to say he is on his way over to the school dance. Doc thinks that may be a problem because the other Marty will be over there while taking out his teenage mom. Marty thinks he can get the book when Biff gets out of the car, but Biff ends up taking it with him and walks around with it hidden in his pocket. Marty keeps trying to get it back and ends up not being successful, but he finally gets his chance when his teenage dad punches Biff down to the ground. Then Biff's friends see Marty and think he changed his clothes because they just put the other Marty in the trunk of the car belonging to the band playing inside. Marty has to try to stop them because he overhears them say they are going to jump his other self who is on the stage playing with the band. Doc tells him he must do something about that because his other self will not get home to the present if they get him. So Marty struggles to knock out Biff's friends and does it just before his other self gets off the stage. While Marty's other self is talking with both his teenage parents, Biff shows up ready to get even with him. Marty knows he needs to meet Doc on the school roof, so he starts to walk away showing he is not interested in having a fight. Then the other Marty comes out accidentally knocking him on the ground. After Marty falls, his jacket opens showing the sports almanac right inside it. Biff takes it back and kicks Marty to get back at him for damaging his car. Marty gets up to chase after him, but Biff is in his car and drives away. So he goes up to the roof to meet Doc and says Biff got away taking the book with him. Doc flies the DeLorean over to where Biff is driving- this is the one chance Marty has to get back the book. So Marty gets out using the hoverboard he got from the future earlier. Doc flies the DeLorean away wishing Marty good luck. Marty sneaks over to Biff's car and quietly opens the door. While Biff is looking at the road, Marty sneaks his hand inside to grab the book. Unfortunately, Biff looks to the side and sees him. They both grab the book and it ends up flying onto the front glass. Marty and Biff both try to get it, but Biff kicks Marty away and drives the side of his car into the tunnel wall to smash him. He thinks het got rid of him doing that, but Biff sees Marty in the mirror showing he is behind his car. The fight for the book continues, but Marty manages to grab it and watches Biff's car keep going. Biff turns it around and gets ready to run Marty over. Marty uses his hoverboard to get away as quick as he can. Biff comes driving up real fast thinking he will kill Marty- but Doc throws down a rope and Marty grabs it just in time. Biff misses Marty with the car and looks up seeing the flying DeLorean, but ends up crashing into a manure truck (again!) after not paying attention to the road. Doc flies Marty out to a grassy area and asks him if he has the book. Marty shows Doc he does, so then he is ordered to burn it. Marty finds a bucket and puts the book in there. Then he gets out matches he took from Biff in the alternate 1985 and uses them to set the book on fire. After that, Marty looks at the old newspaper talking about his dad being murdered and sees it changes that he is still alive. Doc looks at an old newspaper saying he was committed and sees that it changes saying he is being rewarded. Marty and Doc realize 1985 will be back the way it is supposed to be and think their mission is finally over. Unfortunately, the DeLorean gets struck by lightning causing it to disappear and the rope falls down. Marty thinks Doc is gone forever and that he now cannot return home to the present. A strange man comes driving up and asks Marty if he is who he is supposed to be looking for. Marty tells the man he is, but wonders how he knows his name. The man says the post office kept a letter for the past 70 years telling the workers a boy with his description would be at that very spot at that very moment. Marty thinks nobody in that era could have a letter written for him- but he reads it and sees that it is from Doc. Doc writes about how he ended up in 1885 and had been living there for several months. Marty then tells the man he has to find the only man in the world who can do anything to help him. This is the moment where the other Marty is driving the DeLorean down the street to get home to 1985- and Doc manages to get the lightning to strike the clock tower so it will reach the time machine at 88mph. After the DeLorean disappears, Doc is happy he was successful and thinks Marty is gone. As he is going for his car, the other Marty shows up running right over to him. Doc cannot believe Marty is standing there because he just sent him home- but Marty says he has returned and needs him to help him again. Doc faints right after that and the rest of the story will continue at the beginning of the third & final movie.

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11y ago
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15y ago

When a young man, Marty, goes back in time from 1985 to 1955 and on the way he meets his parents, a mean guy named Biff, also he meets the scientist that back 1985 helps him get to 1955. But as he goes he is losing his family picture which me his sister and his brother will be erased from existence. He has to go to the "Under the Sea" dance, and Marty's dad knocks out Biff and becomes popular. Then, Marty plays a songs for the dance . Oh, did i menchen that a lighting bolt is going to strike the clock tower of hill valley, and the scientist, Emmet Brown, (younger) helps him go back to the future, but the cords that are attached to the cable keep coming undone. He has to climb to the clock tower, and gets scared, and finally swings down to the tree the part of the cord came off and the car reaches the level to get back to the future and his life is completely different since his dad punched Biff and now Biff is not the supervisor and Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer are going to be able to go ride in his new 4x4 truck to go up to camp on a hill and before his life was different dock gets shot at the beginning. Marty comes 10 minutes before he gets shot by the Libyans for stealing plutonium to try to make a bomb, but the scientist said that he doesn't want to change the future in 1955, but he read it because he didn't want to get shot so he wears a bullet proof vest and doesn't get shot. Back at his house when his life is better The scientist comes back and goes to 2015 with him and Jennifer. That is to be continued.......

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13y ago

Back to the Future (1985)

It is the year 1985. Marty McFly, a mild-mannered high school student, stops by Dr. Emmett L. Brown's laboratory to play around with an amplifier. Then he receives a message from Doc saying that he needs help from him for his latest invention- a time machine made out of a DeLorean sports car that can travel through time instantaneously when it reaches a speed velocity of 88 MPH. Doc is later gunned down by Libyan Nationalists, so Marty makes an effort to escape from the Lybians by using the time machine. Then Marty accidentally warps himself into 1955 where he meets both of his parents when they were teenagers. So Marty unintentionally interrupts his parents' first meeting together. He then finds a younger version of Doc and together they try to find a way to get Marty's parents to be back together- and to get Marty back to 1985.

Back to the Future Part II (1989)

With Marty McFly's parents back together and now back in his own time in the year 1985- he thought that his ordeal of time travelling was over. What he does not know is that it was just the beginning. Doc arrives and says that he has to come to the future with him. Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer Parker come with Doc to the year 2015 where his future family is about to enter turmoil when Marty's son Martin "Marty" McFly, Jr. is about to be in a robbery. Marty and Doc formulate a plan to prevent the robbery from taking place as they succeed in their mission. Marty then buys a book called "Grey's Sports Almanac" which is a futuristic sports statistics book. When Doc throws it away, the former school bully named Biff Tannen picks it up and learns about Doc's time machine. Biff then steals the time machine when it is left unguarded. When he brings it back, Doc and Marty- with his girlfriend Jennifer- go back to 1985. Things then are not right. Both Marty and Doc realize that Biff altered time because he is now rich and married to Marty's mother Lorainne Baines. The only way to prevent this from ever happening is for Marty and Doc to go back to 1955 and steal the almanac back from Biff.

Back to the Future Part III (1990)

With the almanac now destroyed by Marty McFly and the time line back on its original course- things are still not over yet. Doc and the time machine were unfortunately struck by lightning. Marty then receives a letter while stranded in 1955 from Doc saying that he is still alive and now in the year 1885. Marty and the younger version of Doc fix up the time machine after digging it up from a mine where it had been for the last 70 years. Then Marty discovers a grave stone at a nearby cemetery with Doc's name on it indicating that he will be killed by a man named Beuford Tannen (Biff's ancestor). Marty then makes an effort to travel back to 1885 to save Doc from his premature death. However, Marty accidentally does something to the time machine to not make it run. Now Marty and Doc have to figure out how to get back to 1985 after they have reunited with eachother. Unfortunately, this will not be easy with Doc madly in love with a school teacher named Clara Clayton as well as Beuford Tannen causing constant trouble for both Marty and Doc.

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11y ago

Back to the Future: Part II has scenes set in 1955, 1985, and 2015. Most of the 1985 scenes takes place in an alternate universe created by Biff meddling with time, but the "real" 1985 is seen briefly at the beginning of the film.

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12y ago

marty goes back to 1885 to save doc from getting shot by biffs grandfather mad dog tannen

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