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It provides insulation to the axons and dendrites during depolarization or action potential.

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Q: What happens in the neurolemma as the result of an action potential?
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Reflex action

What is cause action and result in story writing?

They are the same as they are anywhere else in the English language. Cause means why something happens. Action is what happens. Result is the end or consequences of that action.

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Disturbances when will sensory neurons result in an action potential?

if the graded potential of threshold size reaches a trigger zone

What is the result of inhibitory neurotransmission on the postsynaptic membrane?

Hyperpolarization of the membrane. This inhibits action potential generation.

During an action potential repolarization occurs as a result of?

potassium ions diffusion to the outside of the cell membrain,

What is the effect of?

The effect the result of what happens after a action or cause. It is also called a consequence or outcome.

What is depolorization?

Depolarization is a change in a cell's membrane potential, making it more positive, or less negative. In neurons and some other cells, a large enough depolarization may result in an action potential.

In cardiac muscle the fast depolarization phase of action potential is the result of?

increased membrane permeability to sodium ions

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Organic matter in a compost bin decomposes as a result of bacteria action.

What is the difference between action potentials and synaptic potentials?

A synaptic potential exists at the INPUT of a neuron (dendrite), and an action potential occurs at the OUTPUT of a neuron (axon). (from OldGuy)(from Ilantoren:) A synaptic potential is the result of many excitatory post synaptic potentials (epsp) each one caused by the synaptic vesicles released by the pre-synaptic terminus. If there are enough of these epsp then the responses will summate and depolarize the post-synaptic membrane at the axon hillock enough to fire an action potential.

Something that happens because of something a person does?

Consequence - A result or effect that is caused by a specific action or decision made by a person.