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The can collapses and closes in on itself.

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Q: What happens to a can when heated and transferred to cold water?
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What happens when you repeatedly heat up granite and then plunged into cold water?

the granite will get hot from being heated repeatedly and you will get cold from plunging into cold water. not sure why you you want to do either.

What happens if coke tin is filled with water and heated on hot plate then placed in cold water?

it'll get crushed due to air pressure

Why does cold water warm up when added to hot water?

Heat energy is transferred from the hot water to the cold.

Explain energy transferred?

when hot water and cold water are mixed together then the energy is transfered from hotwater to cold water

What happens when you pour hot water into a cup and let it cool off?

The water molecules lose energy and move more slowly. Some of this energy is transferred to the cup and some of the energy is transferred to the air. The temperature of the water will eventually reach equilibrium with the environment.

What happened to the kinetic energy of the hot water and cold water particles?

the particles of the hot water decreased by -20 which means that they where 480 calories transferred out of the hot water and the cold water increased 20 which means that they were 480 calories transferred into the cold water.

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Does water flow from hot to cold?

No, cold water is piped into the hot water tank and is heated by electricity or gas, it then flows out to the hot water taps.

What happens to the molecules of air when they are heated?

they get exited and move faster than cold molecules

What happens when a fluid starts to cool down after being heated?

it gets coldit gets cold

Is hot water denser than cold water?

NO, it is the opposite. remember molecules expand when heated

What happens when you pour cold water on a heated engine?

It would probably steam. Since most of the engine's mechanisms are internal, it probably wouldn't cool it down all that much.