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When a candle melts it gradually loses its shape, and turns into a puddle.

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Q: What happens to a candle when it melts?
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What happens when a candle is burnt?

It is black and melts

What happens to a candle when heated?

i NEED HELP IN MY HOMEWORK SO WHAT DOES IT MEAN? what happens when a candle ia a light

What happens to the matter of a burning candle after it burns?

Ithe melts

How does a candle change physically?

As a candle burns, the candle becomes smaller as the wax melts.

Which chemical melts candle?


How does a candle get smaller and smaller?

The flame burns the wax which melts smaller and smaller. Therefore the candle melts 'til there is nothing left.

What are the advantages of using candle melts instead of candles for room fragrances?

Candle melts are preferred over standard candles for room fragrances due to the ability to mix and match scents. Candle melts also tend to be cheaper when compared to regular candles.

Which part of the candle melts when the candle is burning?

Normally the part closest to the flame (the wax).

What is an example of a physical change in a candle?

When the wax melts

Where does the wax of the candle goes?

it melts then forms back onto the candle, dries, then rebuilds the candle. It is the fuel of the candle and is consumed during the burning process.

What is the chemical reaction when you burn a candle?

When a candle burns the reactions that occur are both chemical and physical. Chemical reaction is when substances are mixed together to create a different material. A physical reaction is when there is a change in the appearance of the substance. For example when water turns to ice, and when chocolate melts. The chemical reaction that happens when a candle burns is when the oxygen combines with the paraffin. When this happens, this makes carbon dioxide, water and other materials. When the wax reacts with the oxygen it gives off light and heat. The more oxygen that reacts with the candle when it burns, the brighter and hotter it is. The physical reaction that occurs is when the candle wax melts. When the energy (light and heat) inside of the candle is released it helps to melt the candle.

Where does the wax of a candle goes when it burns?

As the candle is burning, some of the wax melts and turns into a gas in the atmosphere.