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It gets updated to a paid charge off and continues to show on your credit report for 7 years + 180 days from the last time you paid as agreed immediately preceding the charge off. The month/year the account gets updated to is what primarily affects your credit score. Under certain circumstances, it could cause a decrease in your score.

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Q: What happens to a chargeoff account when it is finally paid?
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How do you pay a settled and paid charge off?

Once a chargeoff has been marked "paid charge off," the borrower still owes the debt, but from an accounting standpoint, the lender has decided that they will not be able to collect that debt. Also, the charged off amount will stay on your credit record regardless of the next steps that you take. If you pay off that chargeoff, the lender will not adjust the trans line in the credit report. However, if you are trying to "make it right," you may send a payment to the lender at the same address that you sent payments prior to when collections started (be sure to mark the check/EFT with your account number and name).

How do you change from a paid moshi member into a non moshi Basic member?

You can cancel your membership by logging in to your account, clicking the My Account link at the bottom of the page and then clicking the Cancel Membership button. Or you can wait until your paid membership runs out. Your account will automatically change to a Basic Membership when that happens.

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They may have had a paid membership and then changed their membership to the free Basic Membership. When that happens, they get to keep two moshlings, so they are able to keep moshlings they had on their paid account.

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Can your salary be paid into a bank account in a different name?

No. A person's salary can be paid only into a bank account that is held by the person to whom the salary is paid. For ex: if I work ABC company and get a monthly salary of USD $3000, the money can be credited only into a bank account that has my name as the account holder. It cannot be paid into your bank account.

What is a past participle of pay?

Paid. The money was paid into my account.

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Additional Paid-in Capital is a normal credit balance account.

Does the state and federal tell you when your debt has been finally paid?

I am not sure they would tell you when your paid off...but you can always request an account statement, showing any balances owed, etc., very easily. Just contact them. (A generally good idea is to keep the one that shows you are paid in full!)

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The customer's account is credited.

What is the customer account when the seller is paid?

The customer's account is credited.

When the seller is paid the customer's account is what?

The customer's account is credited.

When you get a free membership trial on Moshi Monsters do you get to keep your monster's membership moshlings?

When you have a free trial membership, you have access to a paid Moshi Member account. When the free trial runs out, if you do not purchase a paid membership, you lose access to the paid account, but all the Moshlings remain in that paid member account. You then have access to a free Basic Member account and have two of your moshlings in that basic account. If you ever purchase a paid Moshi Member account, all the moshlings will still be in that account.