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It's supposed to be like that ! It's a method of storing fat for when the lizard can't find it's own food.

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Q: What happens to a fat-tailed gecko's tail when it is all puffed up?
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What types of geckos lose their tail?

most geckos lose thier tail. thier tail always grows back.

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why do geckos tail fall off

What do leopard geckos store in their tail?


Do geckos die when their tail falls off?

no geckos do not die when there tail falls of it is a defense strategy to defend against predators. Most species will grow a new one back.

How may times can a geckos tail grow back?


How do you tell the difference between a leopard gecko and a fat tail gecko?

fat tail leopard geckos tail are much larger than normal leopard gecko tails.The markings are different leopard geckos have a different personality

Can leopard geckos live with part of there tail missing?

Yes,yes they can.

Will geckos bury their dropped off tail?

no they will grow a new one in a month

Do leopard geckos tails fall off?

A gecko drops its tail as a defense mechanism induced by fear. When a predator approaches, the gecko is able is drop the tail and leave it behind to entice the predator. However, the gecko then loses the fat stored in its tail that will keep it healthy during times when food is harder to find.

Why do geckos drop there tail?

It is used as a defence mechanism, so if a predictor attacks a gecko it would usually drop its tail to distract the attacker. Not all geckos do this but lots do, when geckos grow back there tail it usually looks different then before and is usually more wide. So if holding a leopard gecko for example make sure that you make sure you don't hurt the tail as it may lose its tail.

Can a ferret's tail become fluffy and large?

Yes. It is commonly called "bottle brush tail" as it resembles a bottle brush. When a ferret has a puffed up tail he/she is either very excited or scared. If the tail is puffed up and the ferret is backing away /hissing it is scared and should be left alone. If the tail is puffed up and the ferret is dooking he/she is happy

How big do panther geckos get?

they can get about 6 - 7 inches long counting tail and head