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  • When a woman has an affair with a married man and becomes his mistress she will be the loser. Some men cannot remain faithful to their spouse and will cheat behind their back hoping to not get caught, but generally do get caught. Some men want to recapture their youth and are thrilled a younger woman is interested in them. If a mistress thinks the married man who is now divorced is going to come running to them they are sadly mistaken. Some men will try to get back with their wife while others will enjoy their freedom and they certainly don't want to commit to another relationship right away. The mistress may still be in the life of this man, but for sexual purposes only.
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Q: What happens to a person that has an affair with someone elses spouse and break ups their marriage?
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Is affair a wake up call or a death knell for a marriage?

Often it is a wake up call that something is missing your marriage either by your spouse; yourself or both of you. Marriage takes hard work and some marriages end up with one; both spouses having affairs and if they truly love each other marriage counseling does help and since both of you took your marriage vows you need to realize people are just human and if this is a first affair then the marriage is still worth saving. However, if the spouse continues to have affairs then it is the death of the marriage.

What is the average cost of having an affair?

Losing the person your having an affair on as well as the person that your having the affair with. Having an affair for someone is just that they are cheating but it becomes less of a fling when they have the option to have that person one on one and then its not so interesting anymore. You end up with nothing in the end.

Is it okay to have an affair with gay people?

No affair is right whether it is with a gay person; bisexual or straight person because it's down and low cheating on someone that trusts you.

When would a married person expect a gift of diamonds?

when they have an affair with someone else

Can someone return to a healthy relationship after the spouse had affair?

Definatly, it depends on the affair and how far the affair made, if the person is willing to take the person back and how they feel. It really just depends on the couple and if they are willing to try again.

Having an affair. Started before their marriage. Affair stopped but recently resumed. Should you tell his wife you are sleeping with him?

* Absolutely not! Cheating is as low and one can get and if the person loves someone they should have the guts to tell their married partner and in this case this would be her husband and you should back off until he does! An individual who truly loves someone does not have an affair and would communicate to their married partner that they are in love with someone else and not stoop to sneaking around behind their back. If in doubt put yourselves in this person's shoes. Since you had this affair before their marriage and it has resumed again since they were married this proves this man did either one of two things ... #1 He loved you and should have married you or, #2 He can't commit and is using you and hurting his wife. Some guy!

Why affairs don't work?

Affairs generally start by one of the spouses lacking something in their marriage such as the lack of sex; feeling loved or needed and when they meet someone to have an affair with it is common to talk about their feelings with that person. Therefore the person the married individual has chosen may feel badly for the person they are having the affair with or, they may feel that the person they are having an affair with (no matter how much they love that person) will hold no future for them. The individual who wants out of the affair is afraid of making a mistake; the sexual relationship may be good. Affairs can get messy and often end in heartache and often the loss of a spouse by divorce.

What if a married man has an affair with a divorced woman?

If a married man has an affair with a divorced woman, then the woman that is married to the man is getting an unfair deal, marriage is a commitment promising you will only dedicate yourself to that one person, so by him doing this it makes their marriage void and meaningless.

What happens if someone is declared dead but they come back alive?

Then they're alive again. *Edit by another person* I'll try and be more helpful here... All I know about is marriages, and if a marriage has been terminated through the suspected death of a person, then that marriage isn't restored.

Ok you had an affair with a male you love each other?

This means that if you are with someone and have an affair you dont love the person you are with and want to be with somebody else or want to be single.

What if the person you like is stuck in a to way love affair?

Then they are unavailable and not a good prospect. Find someone else who is not in a love affair and will give all their attention to you.