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The right side of their brain doesn't work

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Q: What happens to a person who is left hand side paralyzed?
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Why is Morgan Freeman's left hand darker than his right hand?

He weres a glove to control swelling, from a car crash in 2008 that left it paralyzed

What is wrong with Morgan Freeman's left hand. Saw him on the Jay Leno show and he did not use his left hand. Looked like there was a glove on it?

His hand was paralyzed in a car accident in 2008. Surgery to correct the paralysis has failed. The glove is to keep the swelling down.

How do you tell if your American Challenger bow is left handed?

A bow for a right hand person, which is the hand he or she would draw with, has the arrow shelf on the left side of the bow. Just the opposite if it is a left-hand bow for a left hand person.A RH person holds the bow in their left hand, a LH person holds the bow in their right hand.

The average person's left hand does 56 of the typing?

This is true! The average person's right hand does do most of the typing!

A person who is ambidextrous can?

An ambidextrous person can use either right hand or left hand in baseball

What does left hand throw mean?

it means if a left-handed person throws the ball it is called a "left-hand throw."

What happens if a right handed is forced to use the left hand?

then they will learn how to use their left hand and after a long period of time forget how to use their right hand.

What is wrong with actor Morgan freeman's left hand?

Morgan Freeman injured his left hand as well as his left shoulder in an auto accident in 2008. He was driving when the car containing him and suspected mistress Demaris Meyer flipped over several times, seriously injuring them both. The injuries have left his hand paralyzed, even after attempts to repair the damage surgically. His hand is not a prosthetic. Morgan Freeman let his fingers breathe in what looked like a compression glove at the Thursday night premiere of his new movie in which 'Invites, he plays Nelson Mandela. Four days later he announced his divorce from wife Myrna. Freeman said in January his hand was paralyzed, but it might be getting better as his gloves keep getting smaller.

Can a right hand person become a left hand?

Yes, though we you can't learn to be left handed at old age.

What disease left Franklin Delano Roosevelt paralyzed?


Why does charles krauthammer breath funny?

After an accident in 1972. He was left paralyzed fom the waist down and partially paralyzed from the waist up

Why Malay do not eat with their left hand?

Not only don't they eat with their left hand, but it is super offensive if you offer to shake their hand with your left hand. It's considered socially unacceptable to pass another person an object with the left hand. Why? Because the left hand is traditionally recognised by Malaysians as the "toilet wiping hand". And therefore seen as "unclean".