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Q: What happens to a tuna fish sandwich when eaten break it down?
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The Ham Sandwich is broken down both chemically and mechanically because the stomach produces gastric acid that breaks it down. Also, the stomach squeezes the food to help it break it down which is mechanical digestion.

The tuna sandwich you have just eaten is broken down to its chemical building blocks?

That is Digestion

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Releases energy.

What happens to a cheese sandwich that was eaten for lunch from the time it enters the mouth until it leaves the body at the anus?

the cheese sandwich first undergoes mechanical (chewing) and chemical (break down of starch by salivary amylase) digestion, then is made into a bolus (ball of food) and swallowed. The bolus then travels down the oesophagus into the stomach, where more chemical digestion occurs. From here, it is transported into the small intestine, where soluable substances are absorbed into the bloodstream, then what is left travels into the large intestine, where all water is absorbed into the bloodstream. What is left then is excreted out of the body through the anus as faeces.

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Fungi give off powerful digestive enzymes that break down organic matter. This happens

What happens to a sandwich when you eat it relative to events occurring in ingestion digestion absorption and elimination?

Well...It goes down the toilet.

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