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During the Apollo missions, the CM and the LM each had a condom-shaped sleeve (technically, each astronaut had their own sleeve, which they would connect to the tube each time they needed to use the bathroom), connected by hoses and a valve to the exterior of the spacecraft. To urinate they slipped the sleeve on, relieved themselves, then opened the dump valve, expelling the urine into space.

To defecate, the astronauts had a sort of top-hat shaped container with an adhesive rim that they would attach to their buttocks, relieve themselves, then remove and seal. The container had a small capsule inside containing the familiar blue chemical found in airplanes lavatories. They would then squeeze the container to break the capsule and mix the chemical with the feces contained in the pouch. These pouches were stored until they could be disposed of back on Earth.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Before the Space Shuttle, it was a nasty business involving a plastic bag and a lot of luck.

From the 80's onward, the space toilet has been used. But when the space toilet malfunctions, the astronauts have to resort to using the waste disposal bags again.

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15y ago

Yes. The Space Shuttle has a special toilet to keep it from being messy.

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10y ago

Actually, for urination puposes they do have undergarments like Depends

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13y ago

They don't, they use the facilities in the spacecraft. They do not wear their space suits all the time in space, they remove it, they have a toilet as well in the spacecraft.

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13y ago

tehy hold theyr poo

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12y ago

in a bag or in his suit

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Q: What happens to astronauts poo in space?
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