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there sweat starts to float in the space shuttle because once the astronauts are exercising in space they would start to sweat

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Q: What happens to astronauts's sweat when they do exercise?
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What happens when you exercise and sweat an d you don't dry off the sweat?

When you exercise and you don't drie off the sweat nothing Happens i think your sweat eventually evaporates .. its not bad or anything but if you don't sweat at all that's bad .!

What happens to your body when you don't sweat during an exercise?

You will be fat.

You do not sweat when you exercise why?

yes u do sweat when u excercise I would assume you do not exercise hard enough or long enough if you don't sweat.

What happen to sweat on a human's body after they exercise?

The sweat would get all over your body and sometimes clothes. After when you exercise your sweat would be soaked up sometimes or in the moisture.

Why is it important to drink water especially after you exercise?

When you exercise you sweat. When you sweat, you lose water. You will become very dehydrated if you do not replace the water

Why don't you sweat when you exercise?

You do sweat when you exercise, if you're not it usually means you're not working your body enough and need to pick up the pace! (:

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Exercise makes you sweat

How much fluid do you sweat out when you exercise?

Different people sweat different amounts, then it depends on how hard and how long you exercise and what the ambient temperature is. Can be anything from a cup to several pints

What happens when you get hot?

You sweat.

Is skateboarding a exercise?

Yes, any sport or movement that works your body and can make you sweat is an exercise.

Why would you need water after exercise?

if you exercise, you sweat. if you sweat you lose water. if you lose water, your body will have a much harder time building muscle or even functioning properly.

What makes your body smell?

to much exercise causes sweat.