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Q: What happens to baby if swallows meconium stool?
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It comes out from the other end! But after a baby swallows hair he or she might throw out a lot! Castor oil can help to bring it out with stool.

What is the medical term meaning a baby who swallows feces while being delivered?

Meconium Aspiration

What is the medical term meaning the condition in which a baby swallows feces while still in womb?

Meconium Aspiration

What is the meconium?

A greenish mass of mucous, desquamated epithelial cells, lanugo, and vernix caseosa that collects in the fetal intestine, becoming the first fecal discharge of the newborn.

What happens to the poop in the placenta?

The unborn baby's body forms her first stool, called meconium, in the large intestine, which usually isn't passed until after birth. Some babies push out meconium before birth. If your baby does have a bowel movement before or during delivery, your health care provider will monitor her responses carefully to ensure that she doesn't develop any complications as a result.

When would meconium be present?

Meconium is found in a baby's intestines during pregnancy. It is a thick green tar like substance. Usually the meconium is released after the baby's birth. However, sometimes a baby will have a bowel movement before birth and the meconium will then go into the amniotic fluid. This could be dangerous for the baby.

What happens if a baby swallows nailpolish?

call posen control. nail polish has dangerous chemecals

Can a fetus have a bowel movement in the mother's uterus?

Meconium is the baby's first bowel movement and it is a thick green tar-like substance. For most babies, meconium is released shortly after they are born. However, some babies release meconium during labor and delivery. When a woman is in labor, her doctor will be able to tell if the baby has had a bowel movement because her amniotic fluid will be stained with meconium. The baby will be monitored very closely for any signs of fetal distress. If meconium is present during labor or birth, the baby can aspirate the meconium or swallow it. Once the baby is born, the doctor will perform suctioning to reduce the amount of meconium that the baby can aspirate. If the baby does inhale the meconium, it can cause Meconium Aspiration Syndrome which can lead to meconium aspiration pneumonia - both can be very serious. As a result, the baby will be closely monitored and may require a stay in the NICU for several days to a few weeks. Treatment may include antibiotics or a ventilator. The doctor will perform chest x rays to make sure the lungs are functioning normally. Babies swallowing meconium is more common than one may think. Ask some friends - chances are pretty good that it's happened to someone you know.

What happens to a baby who swallows a false nail?

nothing will happen to the baby. Just give it a few bananas to soften the stools, and in about a day or less, the baby should pass it out.This is NOT a medical opinion.


InformationMeconium is a thick, sticky, greenish-black substance. It is the medical term for the newborn infant's first stools. Meconium is made of amniotic fluid, mucus, lanugo (the fine hair that covers the baby's body), bile, and cells that have been shed from the skin and the intestinal tract. Infant stools typically change from meconium to seedy/mustardy yellow/green stools in 4 - 5 days.During pregnancy, the baby floats in the amniotic fluid that fills the mother's uterus. This fluid protects the baby while he or she grows and develops. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, which contains all the other constituents mentioned above. All of the contents other than the amniotic fluid itself are filtered out and remain behind in the intestine while the amniotic fluid is absorbed and re-released into the uterine space when the fetus urinates. This cycle maintains the amniotic fluid in a clear, healthy state during the nine months of pregnancy. This process of recycling the amniotic fluid occurs about every 3 hours.In some cases, the baby passes stools (meconium) while still inside the uterus, and it is possible for the baby to breathe the meconium into the lungs. For more information on this condition, see meconium aspiration.

How do you care for baby swallows?


Your stool smells like baby stool is this a part of pregnancy?

If your stools smells like baby stool, it is not part of pregnancy. You stool may smell different depending upon what you have eaten.